stirred the old nature, which has manifested itself in association with fleshly and worldly methods, but which in
reality vainly seek to do that which Christ alone can do. The new man however looks beyond the present.
`If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not
at the matter (margin, will, or purpose): for He that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than
they' (5:8).
Let our indignation be modified by the fact that if we see, so also does He that is higher than the highest.
Moreover the `matter' is of `purpose'. It is not a question of indifference on the part of God; He knows, He regards,
but the place of judgment is THERE, not here (11:9; 12:14; see especially 3:16,17). Chapter 5 introduces us to the
sanctuary of God, and like Asaph we understand the end and cease to fret ourselves because of evil-doers and of
those wicked who prosper.
In our quotation of chapter 7, which appears above, we gave verses 7 and 9, omitting verse 8. There is a helpful
alternation which should be observed here:
A 7.
Oppression makes wise man mad.
8. Pause. - Better the end than the beginning, and a patient spirit as a consequence.
A 9.
Be not hasty; anger belongs to fools.
10. Pause. - Do not enquire petulantly concerning the former days.
The great corrective, when we view the inequalities of this life, is to remember that there is a purpose which runs
through the ages, that this world is out of joint by reason of sin, and that to attempt to put crooked things straight
apart from Redemption is the worst vexation of all. Pause and reflect; the end is the great thing; God is overruling
oppressions and inequalities and all shall subserve His end. Be `patient in spirit'; do not be `hasty in spirit to be
angry', for only fools are thus betrayed into impotent wrath. Moreover, do not be tempted to adopt the general idea
embodied in the term `the good old days`; there have been no such good old days, for all days have been marked by
the presence and power of sin and death with their accompanying miseries. The days past were no better than the
present; all human nature runs in the same direction. The parent assures his erring child that he was `never so
naughty when he was a little boy'. Old people always deplore the awful sinfulness of the rising generation, but this
is not wisdom, it is feebleness of mind (Eccles. 7:10). All generations have been wicked and will be until the Lord
comes and the new life begins.
Keep an even temper. Ecclesiastes 7:7-10 says in effect, `Let your moderation be known unto all men: the Lord
is near' (Phil. 4:5). `Wisdom is good like an inheritance ... the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life
to them that have it'. Instead of allowing the limited horizon of this life to decide our actions, to arouse our anger,
lead us in the vain attempt to improve the old nature, we remember `the Higher than the highest', we reflect upon the
purpose that is surely beneath all the happenings, we remember the `end' and the `life' to which true wisdom points.
So concludes Koheleth:
`Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which He hath made crooked?' (7:13).
Contrasted with the works of God are the works of man.
`I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That
which is crooked cannot be made straight' (1:14,15).
When the apostles came first to Thessalonica they were styled `These that have turned the world upside down'
(Acts 17:6). It is the world that is in reality upside down. The very word rendered `crooked' is so translated in
Psalm 146:9, `The way of the wicked He turneth upside down'. We do well therefore, before hastily espousing some
cause of the world, to `consider the work of God'. If the deranged affairs be a part of His doing, shall we lead men
to fight against Him? Then consider again, Have all the revolutions that have arisen on earth ever made crooked
things STRAIGHT? At best they have made the crookedness less apparent, or caused the pressure to be felt in another
direction, but God and His people are concerned with utter rectification, not mere palliatives, and that awaits the day