No. 4
2 Timothy

This last prison epistle corresponds with Philippians, for it speaks of the athlete (2 Tim. 2:5), the possibility of winning or losing a crown (2 Tim. 2:5, 12; 4:7, 8) and the finishing of a course (2 Tim. 4:7). Three "good" things are mentioned by the Apostle:
These are associated on the Chart with three special features:
- The testimony of the Lord's Prisoner.
- The enduring and the reigning with Christ.
- The finishing of the course and the keeping of the faith.
There are four emphatic statements about the "Word":
- Preach the Word (2 Tim. 4:2).
This is a "heralding" of the Word in troublous times.
- The inspiration of the Word (2 Tim. iii. 16).
The word "scripture" (graphe) means that which is written, whilst "inspiration" means that which has been breathed. What God "said," His inspired servants "wrote," and this applies to "All scripture" without exception or distinction. As a Speaker once summed up the passage: It is more a matter of dictation than of composition.
- The pattern (form) of sound words (2 Tim. 1:13).
The word "form" indicates a pattern from which others may work. The Chart shows the planning of a pattern. One square is complete, and shows "the unit of repeat." This unit is turned over and over and covers the whole surface, thereby making a balanced and harmonious pattern. Should anyone venture to place in one square a rose, in another a bird, in another a geometric pattern, we should get variety, but the pattern would vanish.
Paul's life and doctrine have been given to us as "the unit of repeat." Timothy, so far as grace was given him, continued the design. We are not all like Paul or Timothy. Someone must spend the time to rule up the small squares: someone must draw down the pattern in outline; someone must spend their precious time simply filling in a "background." There is a temptation to go off after something more "original" or spectacular, but commendation is only for those who obey and whose service has been according to plan. When the pattern is complete the ruled up squares will have vanished. Yet the Lord knows all about the quiet "humdrum", and without it the pattern would not hold together nor be true and
- The right division of the Word (2 Tim. 2:15).
This is the fundamental principle of all interpretation. It distinguishes between dispensations and callings, and does not confound Kingdom with Church.
Timothy was taught the Scriptures from a child, and having a Greek father would read the Greek Old Testament (known as the Septuagint); so he would recognize the words “rightly dividing" which occur in Proverbs 3:16. Hence in the Chart we have used the figure of a sign-post to show how practical is this great principle, and to prevent the thought that only the learned can put it
To use.
Berean Pictorial Charts
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