An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 220 of 223
truth.  John ceases to speak of multitudes, he descends to the singular kai
ei tis ... eblethe, 'If Anyone ... He was cast'.
The Great White Throne
resurrection and judgment is the complement of
the overcomer's resurrection
and judgment and, being so, may have no
reference to the millions of
unevangelized dead.  It will be one of the
sessions, 'the Judgment Seat
of Christ', (see Hurt of Second Death, in
Millennial Studies, p. 98).
Here for the moment we stay.  Much re -adjustment will be necessary and
this requires time, care and prayerful study.  We believe sufficient has been
brought forward in this analysis to justify a re-examination of many existing
theories, and if it only calls a halt, and sends us all back to the neglected
yet central portion of Scripture in this connection, namely Revelation 20:1 -
10, enough will have been achieved to justify publication.  By speaking of
the 'Millennial' kingdom we have blinded our eyes.  We ought to speak of the
first thousand years of a kingdom that shall have no end until the Son of God
delivers up a perfected kingdom to God the Father, that God may be all in
Delegated Authority
The 'Millennium' is the last of the rule of God upon earth that employs
Delegated authority.  David, in resurrection, will be the Saviour's Viceroy.
The twelve apostles will sit upon the twelve thrones judging the
twelve tribes of Israel, the martyrs of the antichristian persecutions will
reign with Christ, and even then, the 1,000 years ends in rebellion.  The age
that follows is the reign of the Son of Man alone, and this ushers in the day
of glory.  We are conscious that much that we have written in this article is
rather disconcerting, but we ask only one thing of our readers.  Have we
built squarely upon the revealed Word of God?  Have we introduced any private
interpretations of our own?  We earnestly desire to be corrected if we have
unconsciously done the latter, but we make no apology for any of our teaching
that is in harmony with the Scriptures.
The interested reader will find in The Berean Expositor Vol. 6, page 65
that what we have here expanded was there foreshadowed, but the claims of the
Dispensation of the Mystery made demands that put the question of
the Millennium on the shelf.  Recent suggestions have prompted us to the
present analysis.
Two challenging items must conclude this survey.
Whose Works Will be Judged?
At the Great White Throne there will be a judgment of Works.  If
those judged are the wicked dead, why differentiate between sins and works?
Commentators seem to be unanimous that this judgment refers to the teeming
millions of unevangelized heathen.  But, seeing that Revelation 2:11 and 3:5
and 20:6 tie the whole of the Apocalypse together and must not exclude 20:12
-15, and seeing that 'works' are definitely a subject of 'judgment' in
Revelation 2:2,5,9,13,19,26; 3:1,2,8,15 and the rewards of these same
chapters all point forward to the same closing scenes of the Apocalypse, does
it not cry out for recognition that 'the works' of Revelation 20:12,13 are
Not the works of the unevangelized millions but of those who could not be
included in the Former resurrection of the overcomers, both characters being
found in the seven churches?