An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 212 of 223
'To him that overcometh will I
grant to sit with Me in My throne,
even as I also overcame, and am
set down with My Father in His
throne' (Rev. 3:21).
'And I saw as it were a sea of
'And I saw thrones, and they sat
glass mingled with fire: and them
upon them, and judgment was
that had gotten the victory over
given unto them: and I saw the
the Beast, and over his Image,
souls of them that were beheaded
and over his Mark, and over the
for the witness of Jesus, and for
Number of his Name, stand on
the word of God, and which had
the sea of glass, having the harps
not worshipped the Beast,
of God' (Rev. 15:2).
neither his Image, neither had
received his Mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands; and
they lived and reigned with
Christ a thousand years' (Rev.
The words of Revelation 20:4, 'for the witness of Jesus, and
for the
word of God', form a link with the opening statement of Revelation
when John was taken in spirit to the day of the Lord from the isle
Patmos where he shared the tribulation of these overcomers, before
their time
'for the word of God, and for the witness of Jesus'.
The Pre-eminent Feature
'The Millennial kingdom' seems to have been used by writers on prophecy
as a convenient period in which to place passages that are somewhat difficult
to fit into the overall scheme, and this has blunted the edge of the
testimony of Revelation 20, which places as a pre -eminent feature, the
reward for the overcomer, and hardly refers to any other company, people or
calling.  Regarding the statement 'This is the first resurrection', it cannot
mean the first that ever was, but the former of two.  The reference to the
beloved city brings with it the numerous passages of Old Testament prophecy
which speak in glowing terms of the restoration of Israel and Jerusalem.
Isaiah 54:6 -17 reveals a city of jewelled splendour, echoing the glories
on earth of the heavenly Jerusalem itself.  Even so, the chapter ends with a
reference to those who will gather together against Jerusalem, with the
comforting words:
'No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper' (Isa. 54:17),
even as we have read in Revelation 20:8,9.  If the inhabitants of the land
during the Millennium are those of Israel who looked upon the Lord Whom they
had pierced and repented, if the nations are those who were 'alive and
remained' at the Second Coming, we have no 'problem' about Isaiah 65:18 -25,
for there we read of the possibility of dying and being accursed, and of the
length of life being 'as the days of a tree', which, however extended, cannot
be a synonym for life eternal and certainly not of immortality.
The Overcomer
Let us observe how these 'overcomers' of Revelation 20:4 are
intertwined with the prophetic revelation of the last days.  The rewards held
out to the overcomers in the seven churches are: