An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 207 of 223
The final weeks of the seventy weeks of Daniel 9 immediately precede the
thousand -year reign, and carry into that period the blessings indicated in
verse 24.  The first thing that will be accomplished when the Seventy Weeks
attain their goal is said to be 'to finish the transgression' (Dan. 9:24).
This translation, however, leaves much to be explained.  Will transgression
be 'finished' in the sense that it is so completely accounted for by
Atonement and Forgiveness, that it will never again raise its head? (Heb.
kalah).  Will transgression be 'finished' in the sense of the Hebrew word
shalam?  The answer is no, the Hebrew word being kala, which though it
resembles the Hebrew kalah must not be confounded with it.  Kala is
translated as follows:
Forbid 1, keep 1, keep back 1, refrain 2, retain 1, shut up 4, withhold
2, be stayed 2, be restrained 2, be stayed 1 and finish 1.
This is not mere opinion but evidence, and evidence which cannot be neglected
or denied without spiritual disaster.  Be it noted, that the only reference
in the Authorized Version that contains the translation 'finish' is Daniel
9:24, which the margin corrects by saying 'or restrain'.  The word is used of
the imprisonment of Zedekiah and of Jeremiah and the noun forms kele, and
beth kele are translated 'prison'.  Daniel 9 does not teach us that when that
prophecy is fulfilled transgression will be finished, it will be Restrained
or Imprisoned.  This will be also the condition of Satan through the
Millennial kingdom, he will be 'bound' for a thousand years, but he will by
no means be 'finished'.  In like manner, sins will be Sealed Up, as the
margin indicates against the reading, 'to make an end of sins'.  The Hebrew
word chatham is translated as follows:
Seal 16, seal up 6, be sealed 2, mark 1, be stopped 1 and the Chaldaic
word in Daniel 6:17 seal.
Proof of Feigned Obedience
We gather from the marginal references in the Authorized Version, that
some of the nations will yield 'feigned obedience'.  Is this translation
justified?  Let us see.  The passages under review are Psalms 18:44; 66:3;
and 81:15.  In the margin, the Authorized Version and the Revised Version
read 'yield feigned obedience', and the note 'Hebrew lie'.  Is this marginal
interpretation correct?  We could refer to such expositors as Perowne,
Hengstenberg, Young's Literal translation and Rotherham.  Rotherham reads,
'Come Cringing unto me'.  Of course this unanimity among scholars may be but
the blind leading the blind, on the other hand they may express the mind of
God.  There is only one authoritative test, the consistent usage of the word
and a frank exhibition of its occurrences.  The Hebrew word kachash occurs
twenty -eight times, and in no passage other than the three Psalms quoted,
and in 2 Samuel 22:45, is it translated 'submit'.  The remaining references
are translated as follows:
Fail 1, be found liars 1, belie 1, deal falsely 1, deceive 1, deny 5,
dissemble 1, fail 2, lie 5, lies 4, lying 1 and leanness 1.
In no passage is it possible to substitute 'obedience' or 'submit' in any one
of these twenty -four occurrences.  If 'usage' has any weight, then 'feigned
obedience' must stand.  To deny it is to defy the testimony of Scripture.
Deuteronomy 33:29 which employs the Hebrew kachash reads:
'And thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee'.