An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 160 of 223
Now Daniel refers more than once to a peculiar period at the time of
the end:
'A time and times and the dividing of time' (7:25).
'A time, times, and an half' (12:7).
'Let seven times pass over him' (4:16).
A consultation of the margin of Daniel 11:13 will show that 'times' may
be synonymous with 'years'.  If that is so, then a time, times and a half may
be a prophetic and cryptic way of describing three and a half years.  This
being just half the seven -year period exactly meets the requirements of
Daniel 9:27.
We have, however, clearer evidence in the book of the Revelation:
'A time, and times, and half a time' (Rev. 12:14).
This is the period during which the woman is nourished in the
wilderness.  In Revelation 12:6 we read:
'They should feed her there 1,260 days'.
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that 1,260 days, and a time,
times, and a half, are periods of the same duration.
There is evidence in Scripture of the recognition of a year of 360
days.  For example, it is computed that between the seventeenth day of the
second month, and the seventeenth day of the seventh month is 150 days
(Genesis 7 and 8), a computation which supposes a month of thirty days.
Dividing 1,260 by 30 we have 42 months, or three and a half years.  Now
Scripture speaks of a period of 42 months, and places it in such proximity to
that of 1,260 days as to remove all doubt as to the length of the prophetic
'The holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months' (Rev. 11:2).
'My two witnesses ... shall prophesy 1,260 days' (Rev. 11:3).
We have already seen that Revelation 13 speaks of the time when the
fourth beast of Daniel 7 shall be in power; and if Daniel 9 speaks of this
same power and period, we may expect to find here some confirmation:
'He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (a period of 7
years): and in the midst of the week (after a period of 3.5 years, 42
months or 1,260 days) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease' (Dan. 9:27).
'And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and
blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months' (Rev.
That the Hebrew language can refer to 'sabbaths of years' is shown in
Leviticus 25:8, where a period of forty -nine years is also called 'seven
sabbaths of years, seven times seven years'.
These things furnish sufficient proof that the final week of Daniel 9
is a period of seven years.  And if the last week be a week of years, it