An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 157 of 223
We now turn our attention to the disposition of the subject matter as
indicated by the structure, which without undue elaboration is as follows:
Prayer of Daniel
Daniel 9:3 -19
Daniel's face set unto the Lord God.
Prayer and confession.
Covenant -keeping God.
We have sinned.
9:-5 -10.
5. Rebellion.
b  6. Disobedience to
message of prophets.
c  7 -9. Righteousness
the prophets
belongeth unto
the Lord.
Confusion belongeth
unto us.
Mercies belong unto
the Lord.
a  9.  Rebellion.
b  10.  Disobedience to
message of prophets.
D  9:11 -14.
a 11. The curse, as Moses said.
b  12.  Confirmed words.
the law
a  13. The evil, as Moses said.
b  14. Watched evil.
C  9:15.
Covenant kept of old by God.  We have sinned.
B  9:16 -17-.  Hear prayer and confession.
9:-17 -19.
The Lord's face to shine upon the Sanctuary.
Daniel's prayer centres round the fact that Israel's terrible
desolation is the outcome of rebellion against the word of God, sent from
time to time through the prophets, and is but the fulfilment of the curse and
the oath, written in the law of Moses long before.
God evidently keeps His word, and Israel have most surely merited their
punishment.  Yet Daniel reminds himself that God not only watches over the
evil to perform it, but in the mighty deliverance of Israel from Egypt in
days gone by, He was true to His covenant promises, even though Israel had
failed.  The prayer, therefore, while a confession of Israel's sin, reminds
God of His covenant relationship with the people and the city.
There is a beautiful progression in the prayer.  At first Daniel speaks
of his people without any term of association with the Lord.  He speaks of
our kings, our princes, our fathers, and the people of the land; of the men
of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of all Israel near and far.  Not
until we reach the tenth verse is any link established; there Daniel speaks
of the Lord our God, and again in verses 13, 14 and 15.  In verse 15 a fuller
claim is made; this rebellious people are 'Thy people'.  In verse 16 the
desolate city is 'Thy city', 'Thy holy mountain'; and 'Thy people are become
a reproach'.  In verse 17, Daniel is 'Thy servant', and the desolate temple