An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 143 of 223
The Gentile character of this vision is indicated by the change of
language that occurs at verse 4: 'Then spake the Chaldeans to the king in
Syriac'.  The words, 'in Syriac', mark the place where Daniel ceases to write
in Hebrew, and thenceforth to the end of chapter 7 employs the Syriac or
Aramaic language.
In part eight of An Alphabetical Analysis, the question of the four
beasts of Daniel 7 and their place in the vision of Daniel 2 has been
considered.  The reader is advised to consult that article, (Beast8), if he
is at all uncertain.
The Babylonian and Persian empires extended from Asia Minor on the west
to the Indus on the east, and it was left to Greece and Rome to complete the
oikoumene of the prophetic earth.  At the death of Alexander, his kingdom was
divided among his four generals as is indicated in Daniel 8:22, Ptolemy
taking Egypt, Palestine and some parts of Asia Minor; Cassander taking
Macedonia and Greece; Seleucus taking Syria, Armenia, territory east of the
Euphrates; and Lysimachus taking Bithynia, Thrace and Mysia.  Rome took all
this territory except that which lay east of Syria, but added to it a great
portion of Europe and the countries on the southern edge of the
Mediterranean.  The prophetic earth therefore, if it be limited to the
territory governed by these four successive kingdoms, extends from Spain on
the west, to the Indus on the east.
The Prophets, Chronological Order
There are many side issues attached to such a theme as 'Prophets and
Prophecy' which, though interesting and in their degree important, cannot be
considered here.  We are more concerned with the message which the Prophet
was inspired to deliver, than the way in which he was inspired and endowed
thus to speak.  What is the burden of prophecy?  What are its main subjects?
Can they be reduced to categories that will enable us to arrive at a fairly
accurate understanding of their import, or must we take each prophecy as it
stands and consider it independently of all the rest?
The first thing to settle must be, which of the books of the Old
Testament come under the heading of 'Prophecy'.  The Hebrew canon is divided
into three great groups, a division recognized by the Lord Himself, The Law,
the Prophets and the Psalms.  The Prophets include some historical books, for
Old Testament history often is a foreshadowing of that which is yet to come.
Let us first of all set out before the eye, the books of the Prophets
according to the Hebrew canon.
The Captain.
The Lord of all the earth (Josh. 3:11,13).
Failure to possess the land (Josh. 18:3).
The Canaanite still in possession (Josh. 15:63).
Thirteen Judges.
Israel, forsaking and returning.
No king (Jud. 21:25).
Saul, type of Antichrist.
David, type of Christ.
Israel want to be like the nations.