An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 7 of 223
It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to write an introduction to Part Nine
of An Alphabetical Analysis of terms and texts in the study of Prophetic
Truth.  In the introduction to Part Eight, the Author has given a timely
warning that prophecy is not intended to turn us into third -rate prophets,
but to act as a light which shines in a dark place until the day dawn and the
Day Star arise (2 Peter 1:19).
The age that we live in is spiritually dark indeed.  Man continues to
probe and explore, seeking to wrest further secrets from Nature, but all
this, instead of leading him nearer to God and the Truth, only takes him
further away, for the knowledge that he acquires is nearly always twisted and
distorted to wrong ends, so that he finds himself surrounded by problems of
his own making with which he is not able to cope.  Leagues and conferences
between Heads of States occur from time to time, but the problems are merely
postponed, they are not solved.
How grateful we should be for the Divine searchlight of Prophecy whose
beam pierces the darkness ahead and infallibly shows us what must surely come
to pass.  There is no need for any to walk in darkness who are willing to
take heed to this Light.
Prophecy directs us to the Lord Jesus Christ for 'the testimony of, or
concerning Jesus, is the spirit of prophecy' (Rev. 19:10).  He is the only
Light of the world and the Sun of Righteousness Who will finally return to
banish the world's problems.  He alone can solve them whether they belong to
the individual or to the world as a whole.  We send forth this volume with
the prayer that it may be used by the Holy Spirit to enlighten many a heart
as they turn to the more sure Word of Prophecy.