An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 285 of 304
'Then said the Lord, Thou
hast had pity on the gourd, for the which
thou hast not laboured, neither
madest it grow; which came up in a night, and
perished in a night: and should
not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein
are more than sixscore thousand
persons that cannot discern between their
right hand and their left hand;
and also much cattle?' (Jonah 4:10,11).
The key to the prophetic teaching of the Scriptures, whether prophecies
concerning Christ Himself, concerning Heaven and Earth, concerning Man,
Israel or the Gentile nations, is Genesis 3:15.
'I will put "Enmity"'.-- The origin of evil is to us an unsolved
enigma, but so far as we are concerned, and confining ourselves to Man and
his world, enmity between the two seeds is a state introduced by God as an
essential factor in the outworking of the purpose of the ages.  This presence
of enmity is the key to the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of
Heaven, and a reason for the rejection of Christ at His first coming.
'An Enemy hath done this' (Matt. 13:28).
To ignore this explanation has led some to interpret, in another
parable, 'leaven' as good.  The same need that compelled the ignoring of the
typical meaning of 'leaven' calling it 'good' in Matthew 13, in spite of the
inspired meaning given in Matthew 16:6, and 1 Corinthians 5:6, is seen in the
transfer of the whole seventy weeks of Daniel 9 to the future, the felt need
to substitute the word 'government' for 'kingdom', and the suppression of the
evidence of 'usage' when dealing with the translation 'feigned obedience';
the ignoring of the intention of the addition of the word 'iron' in the
phrase 'the rod of iron', and other similar moves made under the compulsion
of the primary false position taken up over a pre -Millennial Kingdom, is a
warning to us all of the solemnity of any approach to the Scriptures that
uses them to bolster up a theory rather than make all our theories conform to
the usage of the terms employed.  Dr. Bullinger once said: 'Let me be a
bucket lowered into the well of Truth; not use the Scriptures as a bolster or
a buttress'.  It is a fatal exegetical mistake, with serious consequences,
ever to mistake the kingdom of the Beast for the kingdom of heaven.  The
recognition of the place the 'enemy' occupies illuminates the purpose of the
book of Job.  One Greek translation adds to the book of Job the genealogy of
the patriarchs, and declares that his name was originally 'Jobab'.  Whenever
a name is changed elsewhere in the Scriptures, we expect and find that its
new meaning has a bearing upon the Scriptural record. Now 'Job' is the Hebrew
word found in Genesis 3:15 'enmity', and the whole of the story of Job is an
exhibition of the enmity of Satan to one of the true seed, concluding with a
triumphant double blessing of Job at the end.  (See our book, The Book of Job
and the Enigma of the Ages).
The purpose for which Adam was created, and for which Christ the last
Man and the second Adam, died and rose again, was among other things to:
'Still the Enemy and the Avenger' (Psa. 8:2).
This Psalm not only throws light upon the question 'what is man?' it
throws a wonderful light upon the essential purpose of the Sabbath, for the
word 'still' in Psalm 8:2 is the Hebrew shabath, the word used in Genesis