An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 251 of 304
It is the language of God Himself when the day of Israel's restoration
(Gen. 50:21) and betrothal (Gen. 34:3) is in view.
'Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the
wilderness, and speak to her heart (margin) ... I will betroth ... I
will sow ... I will say to them which were not My people, Thou art My
people; and they shall say, Thou art my God' (Hos. 2:14-23).
The comfort of the people of Israel as intended by the prophet in
Isaiah 40, touches, in the first place, two things:
The end of her warfare.
The pardon of her iniquity.
This twofold annunciation is followed by a prophecy concerning the One
Who alone could terminate all conflict or pardon iniquity.  'The voice of him
that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord'.  Then, facing
the utter inability of human nature to accomplish such an end, for all flesh
is grass, the prophet is assured that this glorious consummation shall be
attained, 'for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it'.  The prophetic
utterance is then rounded off by a vision of the coming of the Lord, and His
twofold character of Ruler and Shepherd, uniting in His person and work the
office of Kinsman -Redeemer, and the Avenger of blood.
The first expansion given by the prophet of what is intended by the
ministry of 'comfort', with which this great section opens, is found in the
words, 'Her warfare is accomplished'.  The reader will note that for
'warfare' the margin reads 'appointed time'.  The Hebrew word translated
'warfare' is familiar to the English reader in the Divine title, 'The Lord of
Sabaoth' (Rom. 9:29), which is taken from the Hebrew word tsabaoth, 'hosts'.
Tsaba occurs in the Old Testament 485 times, of which 394 occurrences are
translated 'host', 42 translated 'war' or 'warfare', 29 translated 'army',
and 6 translated 'battle'.  The glad tidings that at length shall be
proclaimed in Jerusalem is that her 'warfare' is 'accomplished'.  This will
be incomparably good news, for Israel's history is deluged in blood and
soaked in tears.  War, both on the physical and the spiritual plane, has been
theirs, and is even threatened at the close of the Millennium (Rev. 20:8,9).
The prophet Daniel was staggered by a vision that revealed 'warfare great'
(Dan. 10:1) for the word translated 'appointed time' is tsaba.  Peace,
however, shall come; Israel's warfare shall one day cease; it shall be
'accomplished'.  This word 'accomplished' is a translation of male, 'to
fill', and is of frequent occurrence in the Scriptures.  Isaiah uses the word
in a very forceful manner when he speaks of hands being 'full of blood'
(1:15); loins 'filled with pain' (21:3); lips 'full of indignation' (30:27);
but in Isaiah 40:2 he uses the word in a slightly different sense, indicating
that Israel's experience of war will at length be 'filled'.  It will indeed
have been a full measure, for the prophet's own comment is that Israel has
received of the Lord's hand 'double' for all her sins.
The prophet Ezekiel, referring to the punishment of Israel at the hands
of the King of Babylon, says, 'Let the sword be doubled' (21:14).  The
prophet Jeremiah says, 'First I will recompense their iniquity and their sin
double' (16:18); and again, 'Bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy
them with double destruction' (17:18).  In all probability there is a literal
fulfilment of the law in all this, for failure to keep faith was punished by
restoring the amount involved 'double' (Exod. 22:4,7,9).  This same principle
is seen at work at the judgment of Babylon: