An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 227 of 304
Gentiles was instituted and no dominating power in the line of Gentile
dominion could be revealed which would cover this period.  Indeed, such would
conflict with the fact that, while Israel are not reckoned as God's people,
the prophetic calendar is in abeyance, and the prophetic voice is silent.
(See Lo -Ammi2).
Nebuchadnezzar's vision, however, spans the whole period from his own
accession until the Coming of the Lord, and Rome, by its manifest sovereignty
over Jerusalem, falls into line with the other powers.  Rome's dominion over
Jerusalem, however, has not lasted throughout this long period.  We therefore
ask what power succeeded Rome in its hold upon Jerusalem?  We know that at
the time of the Crusades, in which one of our own kings, Richard the First
took part, the city of Jerusalem was held by the Mohammedan power, and so,
though unnamed, that power succeeded Rome in the line of Gentile dominion.
It has been objected that the Mohammedan power was never a 'kingdom' in
the same sense as were Babylon, Persia or Greece.  This is so, but instead of
that fact being against its inclusion, it is rather in favour of it, because
from the time of Israel's rejection, and the revelation of the dispensation
of the Mystery, the image of Daniel enters a protracted period of indefinite
length and character, and not until the time of the end does the image emerge
with any precision.  The same feature characterizes Gentile dominion at the
present moment.  The next development will be tragic in its reality.
Does the Mohammedan power still dominate Jerusalem?  No, another change
has taken place in our own days.  When General Allenby received the keys of
Jerusalem on 9th December, 1917, the dominion passed from the Mohammedan
power to the present divided condition of Jerusalem.  Let us now see what
these events mean, and how far they coincide with the prophetic
interpretation of the course of Gentile dominion given by Daniel:
(1) Head of gold
Babylon (Dan. 2)
(2) Breast of silver
Medo-Persia (Dan. 5:31)
(3) Belly and thighs
Greece (Dan. 8:21)
of brass
(4) Legs of iron
Rome (Luke 2:2)
(5) Feet of iron
Turkey (a.d. 636 -- 1917)
and clay
(6) Toes of clay
The decision of UNO in 1949
to place Jerusalem under
international control and its
'One is'
inherent 'indecision' which
has become more and more
evident will lead to the final
phase, the Ten Kings.
The Stone cut out without hands.
Here we have the whole Gentile dominion represented as being sixfold,
stamped with the number of man and of the beast.  We stand today at the
junction of the feet and the ten toes, which are ten kings, and which,
presumably, will arise out of the national turmoil that is growing in the
East.  When John wrote the book of the Revelation he was 'in spirit' writing
from the, then future, Day of the Lord; consequently he could say, 'five are
fallen', namely, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and Turkey, and 'one is',
viz., the dominion of the ten kings.  The true seventh is the kingdom of the