An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 208 of 304
doings of the nations in the limited zone of the prophetic earth precede and
anticipate the wider activities and judgments that follow' (The Berean
Expositor vol. 37, p. 19).
We make no pretence to being 'prophets' and can only be guided by
what is written, realizing that much is still 'sealed'; nevertheless in 1952
-3 we wrote:
'Two items of peculiar interest are Oil and The Suez Canal, the
oilfields of Iran and Irak (Persia and Mesopotamia, so including Babylon) and
the canal which passes through Egypt.  It may well be that a "corner" in oil
and a command of the Suez Canal will make the rest of the world say of the
last dictator: "Who is able to make war with him?" (Rev. 13:4)'. (The Berean
Expositor, vol. 37, p. 20).
Gog, Magog, Meshech and Tubal
The following is an extract from a booklet entitled The Gagging of Gog
by Dr. Zevi Ben Avraham of the Jewish Evangelical Witness, whose personal
testimony we cull from a letter sent to us by an American reader:
'I am not a "professing Christian".  But I will assure you that I am a
possessing believer in the Person and Atoning Work of Him Who was with
God and was God and Who became very Man as our Jewish Messiah and Who
bore in His own body our sins on the tree; Who was buried and Who rose
again bodily from the dead, and Who is coming again personally, bodily,
visibly and gloriously.  I guess this disqualifies me from mere
"profession" but it does, I think, indicate something better.  Of
course I do not make mention of "Jesus Christ our Lord".  If I uttered
those words over the radio to my extensive Jewish audience, they would
switch me off instantly and I would have lost the golden opportunity of
bringing Him to their knowledge by the "more excellent way" beginning
at Moses and the Prophets.  But for your comfort, I do not have to use
literally the words "Jesus Christ our Lord", for they know full well
about Whom I speak'.
For this alone, our readers will give heartfelt thanks.  The leaflet
from which we quote deals with the prophecy of Ezekiel and chapters 13 to 48
are subdivided thus:
The Messianic Kingdom imminent (ch. 13 to 39).
The Messianic Kingdom incorporated (ch. 40 to 48).
He speaks of the
Peaceful Nation
A fool's paradise
Predatory Nations
Parleying Nations
Peremptory Nemesis
38:18 -23).
Present Nomenclature
38:1 -6).
We extract here, the comments made by Dr. Ben Avraham on the identity
of the nations named in Ezekiel 38.