An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 132 of 304
Man's Day
The Day of the Lord
The Day of God
The Pre -Millennial
The Millennial
The succeeding
reign of peace.
War and enemies.
The people desired a
A man of war.
King of kings.
'Out of Zion: rule
Wide dominion.
Confederate with
thou in the midst of
Every man safe.
familiar spirits.
thine enemies' (Psa.
The Day of God.
Rev. 13 to 18.
2 Pet. 3:12.
It need cause no surprise that Satan's travesty should come first. This
is the usual order.
Cain before Abel.  Babel before Salem.  Saul before David. It was 'the
second time' not at the first that Joseph blessed his people, and it was at
the second time Moses became the deliverer (Acts 5:13,35).
It is a disquieting thought that many children of
God may have been led to expect a Divinely appointed pre -Millennial reign
before the Second Coming of Christ, for should this turn out to be the reign
of the Beast, what tragedies of broken faith and shattered hope must ensue,
for such a kingdom is coming with pseudo miracles, that would deceive, 'if
possible', the very elect.  And this dread possibility makes silence for so -
called 'peace -sake', criminal.
We have not attempted an expansive review of these typical
kingdoms, but a few pointers seemed necessary in an analysis of this kind.
Should the reader be moved to fuller inquiry, the articles on Daniel (p.
164); Millennium3,9; and Zion9, will provide further material for his study.
No type of Christ is without the necessary imperfections that belong to
shadows, and Solomon, like Adam and Noah, was very far from expressing in
himself the perfection his kingship foreshadowed.  Take a few examples as an
indication of this.
The weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666
talents (1 Kings 10:14).  In the light of Revelation 13:18 this amount
of gold is ominous.
The Bride of the Lamb (Rev. 19 to 21) is set over against the
Harlot (Rev. 17 and 18) and finds no parallel, but rather a vivid
contrast to the many strange women that became the wives of Solomon,
which included the daughter of Pharaoh, and women of the Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians and Hittites (1 Kings 11:1 -3).
Idolatry is exposed and destroyed in the Revelation, and no
idolater can find a place in the Holy Jerusalem, but it is recorded of
Solomon that 'his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his