An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 114 of 304
Romans 11:25 refers, not to the Coming of the Deliverer, but to the duration
of Israel's blindness.
The one hope of your calling
If the prison epistles belong to the same dispensation as that which
obtains throughout the rest of the New Testament, or even in that part of it
which follows the Gospels, then the hope will be the same, and will be
expressed in similar terms.  It will take place at the same time, in similar
circumstances, and in the same sphere.  There need be no mystery about our
quest here; we have but to 'search and see'.  While it is true that spiritual
things can only be spiritually discerned, it is also true that the spirit of
wisdom and revelation is not needed to count the number of times the parousia
is mentioned in Ephesians, or to determine whether or not the archangel's
voice is said to arouse the members of the One Body.
In Ephesians 1:17 -23 we have a wonderful prayer recorded.  It was in
the first instance the prayer of the apostle Paul for the Ephesian saints,
and he prays for nothing less than the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
knowledge (or acknowledgment) of 'Him' -- either of Him (the Lord) or of it
(the mystery) or probably of both, for they are inseparable (Col. 2:2 R.V.).
This spirit of revelation is, in the first instance, that 'ye may know what
is the hope of His calling'.  Now if the hope before the Ephesians had been
already expounded in Paul's earlier epistles and public ministry, why should
teaching cease at Ephesians 1:16 and prayer for revelation commence?  The
prayer includes three subjects, two of which are confessedly new:
'The riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints' and 'The
exceeding greatness of His power to us -ward who believe ... when He
raised Him from the dead ... far above all' (Eph. 1:18-21).
The hope of His calling forms one of the seven features in the unity of
the Spirit given in Ephesians 4, where it is called 'the hope of your
calling'.  This one hope cannot be severed from the 'one body' and the 'one
Spirit', for they are linked by the words 'even as ye are called -- in one
hope of your calling'.
There is no actual mention of the Second Coming of the Lord in
Ephesians, but one or two statements are given
that look forward to the end, and we must consider the evidence which they
provide.  'The dispensation of the fulness of times' when all things shall be
gathered up in Christ, whether things in heaven or in earth, may refer to the
great consummation towards which the purpose of the ages moves, but if it
does, nothing is said as to the Lord's Coming from heaven to earth.
The prior hope
In Ephesians 1:12 we read: 'that we should be to the praise of His
glory, who first trusted in Christ'.  The word for 'first trusted' is, in the
original, proelpizo, and does not occur elsewhere in either the New
Testament, or the LXX -- its literal meaning is 'pre -hoped', if we could
tolerate so un -English a word.  The passage is in correspondence with the
words of verse 6 as shown in the structure:
Eph. 1:5,6.
Predestinated as children.
According to the good pleasure of His will.
To the praise of the glory of His grace.