An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 102 of 304
Isaiah 19:3 says that as a result of this upheaval of kingdoms, 'they
shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar
spirits, and to the wizards'.  These will introduce 'the signs and wonders
and miracles of the lie', and lead the world into the tragedy of the end.  It
behoves those who have eyes opened to see, to avoid the slightest approach to
these things of darkness.
Matthew 24:15 -- Citation Daniel 9:27 -- 'The abomination of
This 'desolation' must be connected with 23:38, 'Your house is left
unto you desolate'.  It is most clearly associated with Israel -- see the
whole of Daniel 9.
Matthew 24:21 -- Citation Daniel 12:1 -- 'Then shall be great
A comparison of these two passages will prove that they refer to the
one event.
Matthew 24:24 -- Reference Isaiah 8:18 -- 'Signs and wonders'.
There are false 'signs and wonders' that are spoken of in the
Scriptures, and these will be fulfilled as surely as those signs that
accompanied the Messiah's first advent (Matt. 11:4 -6).  In Isaiah 8 there is
the great contrast between the God -given signs and wonders, and the result
of the efforts of wizards that peep and mutter and which seek unto the dead
(see also Isa. 19:3).
Matthew 24:29 -- Citation Isaiah 13:10 and 34:4 -- 'Sun to be
darkened.  Moon not to give light.  Stars shall fall'.
Isaiah 13:9 -13 declares that this shall be in the day of the Lord,
which shall be characterized by wrath and fierce anger.  The passage connects
it with the fall of Babylon in verse 19, and in Isaiah 34:5 it is connected
with wrath upon Idumea.
Matthew 24:30 -- Citation Zechariah 12:10-12 -- 'The tribes of
the earth (land) shall mourn'.
There shall be a national mourning for the death of Christ, the great
fulfilment of the Day of Atonement, which will be followed by the blessed
ingathering, or sunteleia.
Matthew 24:30 -- Citation Daniel 7:13 -- 'The Son of man coming
in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory'.
To read this citation in its context in Daniel 7:9 -14 is to see that
the Coming of the Lord, as set forth in Matthew 24 has no reference to 'the
church' but is essentially connected with the kingdom and its restoration to
Israel, for it 'shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High'
(Dan. 7:27).
While much has been omitted in our survey, we hope that nothing that
bears upon the point of our inquiry has been passed over, and sufficient has
been set out to leave the reader in possession of the true import of this