An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 69 of 304
Christ in His twofold character in this book is Lamb and Lion.  The
Beast in his composite character is a combination of Leopard, Bear and Lion.
The Lion in both represents kingship, and this is common to both (see
quotation from Dan. 2 above).  The Lamb is the Redeemer, the Leopard and the
Bear the Destroyer.  Some are marked with the name of the Redeemer, others
are numbered among those that destroy the earth; the former in harmony with
that name are 'redeemed' from among men (14:4), the latter in harmony with
their mark are 'destroyed' (11:18).
We now look at the 'number of his name'.  As we have received help by
placing Christ in contrast with the Beast, we will continue to do so as we
examine this number.  The reader is probably aware that both the Hebrew and
the Greek alphabets serve for both letters and numbers.  The name 'Jesus' in
Greek characters is written Iesous.  The numerical value of each letter in
order is 10, 8, 200, 70, 400, 200, which, added together, give 888 the great
contrast to the number of the Beast, which is 666.  In the same way Lord
(Kurios) = 800.  We have already had occasion to refer to the typical
character of Daniel and his three friends.  It is highly significant that
their Hebrew names give the very same number as the name Jesus!
Total 888.
Without pursuing this
feature further we feel that in this recognition
of the lordship of 'Jesus',
and the absolute refusal to bow down and worship
the image of the beast, the
contrast with the number and the name of the
beast is manifested, and by
the contrast his character is brought to light.
We have already seen that the fourth kingdom in the image of Daniel 2,
could have been the last of the series and the recognition of this same
principle solves the vexed question as to whether John the Baptist was or was
not Elijah (Mark 9:12,13; Matt. 11:14; Luke 1:17).
John was Elias, If ... !  Rome would have been the beast of Revelation
13, If ... ! -- the 'if' here envisages the repentance of Israel.  Israel,
however, did not repent, and the nation was set aside; so Rome was not the
beast and John the Baptist was not Elijah.  When the Lord Jesus commenced His
ministry He could say 'The Time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand,
repent and believe the gospel' (Mark 1:15).  Had Israel repented (we speak
after the manner of men) there must have been at hand all material ready for
the final sphere of Gentile dominion.  Surely the times that could produce a
Herod (Acts 12, note carefully his end) could produce the Antichrist! surely
the age that could see the rise of a Nero could produce the Beast!
One of the objections to Rome is that it never really held possession
of Babylon.  This is not by any means a difficulty, neither is it a valid
objection.  Jerusalem not Babylon, is the Key.  Babylon, Medo -Persia,
Greece, Rome, each in turn held Jerusalem, and that fact constituted it the
successor in Gentile dominion.  Rome it was that compelled the mother of
Christ to travel to Bethlehem.  Rome's penny it was that was shown to the
Lord, Rome it was that crucified Christ, Rome's soldiers that guarded His
tomb, Rome itself was the final place of appeal of the apostle Paul.  Upon
the failure of Israel the prophetic Image of Daniel, together with the