An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 67 of 304
'overcame him by (because of) the blood of the Lamb, and by (because
of) the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto
the death' (Rev. 12:11).
As Nebuchadnezzar testified that one like unto the son of God walked
with the faithful three in the furnace, so angelic fellowship will be granted
to those who are faithful even unto death.  Those who will not worship the
beast will be put to death; the refusal of the mark, the name, or the number
will be punished by hunger and ostracism, a living death.  We must first
bring together in some sort of order the references to this name, mark and
number, and observe anything that will lead us on in the understanding of the
The Mark
'And he causeth all, even the small and the great, and the rich and the
poor, and the free and the bond, to receive a mark on their right
hands, or upon their foreheads, that no man should be able to buy or
sell except he who had the mark' (Rev. 13:16,17 author's translation).
'If any one worshippeth the beast and his image, and receiveth his mark
on his forehead, or on his hand, even he shall drink of the wine of
God's fury' (Rev. 14:9,10 author's translation).
'And there broke out a noisome and grievous sore upon the men who had
the mark of the beast' (Rev. 16:2 author's translation).
'The miracles ... with which he had deceived them that had received the
mark of the beast' (Rev. 19:20 author's translation).
'And whosoever did not worship the beast ... and did not receive the
mark on their foreheads and on their hands, both lived and reigned with
Christ a thousand years' (Rev. 20:4 author's translation).
NOTE. -- The words 'and over his mark' in 15:2, are omitted by G., L.,
T., Tr., A., W.H., and R.V.
The Mark of his Name
'They have no rest day nor night ... whosoever receiveth the mark of
his name' (14:11).
The Name
'That no one should be able to buy or sell except he who has the mark,
or the name of the beast' (13:17 author's translation).
The Number of his Name
'That no one should be able to buy or sell except he who has ... the
number of his name' (13:17 author's translation).
'Those who had gotten the victory ... from the number of his name'
(15:2 author's translation).
It will be seen that while the mark and the name are spoken of
separately, both the expression 'the mark of his name' and 'the number of his