An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 217 of 297
'No babe shall die there any more in infancy, nor any old man who has
not lived out his years of life; he who dies youngest lives a hundred
years, anyone dying under a hundred years must be accursed of God'
(Isa. 65:20 Moffatt).
In Isaiah 66 we have something even more terrible to contemplate as being in
the newly created heaven and earth:
'And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that
have transgressed against Me: for their worm shall not die, neither
shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all
flesh' (Isa. 66:24).
When we come to Revelation 21, after the words quoted from verse 4 'no more
death', we continue without break to the overcomer, verse 7, where reward is
placed in contrast with:
'The fearful, and unbelieving, the abominable and others whose end is
"the lake of fire" which burneth with fire and brimstone (see Isa.
66:24 "the fire not quenched") which is the second death'.
Those thus denominated are linked with the Great White Throne judgment (Rev.
20:14 'the lake of fire the second death').  We may now give a little more
attention to the words 'in her' (Isa. 65:19), and perceive that we may have
extended the 'no more' of Revelation 21:4 beyond their limits.  The second
reference to this exclusion from the New Jerusalem tells us that such were
not found 'in the Lamb's book of life', which again links up with Revelation
20:15: 'And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire'.  Everything written in Revelation 21, Isaiah 65 and 66
presents us with an apparent contradiction.  No death, yet carcases, no
crying, yet carcases, premature death, no more curse, yet some being
accursed.  How can these things be?  The answer is awaiting us at the close
of Isaiah 65.  The millennial conditions are still there.
'The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat
straw like the bullock' (Isa. 65:25),
but this is not all.  In the prophecy of Genesis 3:14, 'God said unto the
serpent ... and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life', for at the
very selfsame time that the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, we read:
'Dust shall be the serpent's meat' (Isa. 65:25).
To feed on ashes, to lick the dust, to be brought to dust, for the dust to be
turned into brimstone (Psa. 72:9; Isa. 49:23), 'to lick the dust like a
serpent' (Micah 7:17), are all recognized figures of speech, that are
concentrated in one verse of Revelation, namely in Revelation 20:10:
'And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be
tormented day and night for ever and ever, (or unto the ages of the
That this lake of fire, second death, torment, feeding on ashes, goes on
beyond the millennial kingdom into the new heaven and new earth, is