An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 189 of 297
The Gentile
'Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations ... and
changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image ...
uncleanness ... vile affections ... inventors of evil things' (Rom.
The Jew
'They changed their (or My) glory into the similitude of an ox that
eateth grass ... they joined themselves also unto Baalpeor ... they
provoked Him to anger with their inventions' (Psa. 106:20-29).
The first meaning of iniquity, as discovered by the meaning and usage
of the word aven, is not so much the violation of any one particular law, but
the violation of the basis of all law, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before
Me'.  The LXX renders aven by anomia more than by any other word.  The
mystery of iniquity is expressed by the 'lawless one', and manifested by the
usurpation of Divine honours by the man of sin.  It is a wholesome corrective
to remember this phase.  We are prone to place murder, robbery, adultery, and
lying foremost; these are but the outcome of that primitive iniquity which,
by enthroning self, dethrones God.  The state of heart and mind resulting
from sin is expressed in the word avah.  (N.B.  Care should be taken by those
who 'search and see' not to confuse this word which commences with the letter
ayin with the word avah which commences with the letter aleph).
Avah means 'wrong'.  Wrong comes from the same source that provides 'to
wring' and 'awry', and is cognate with the Dutch 'wrang', acid or sour.  The
original idea of avah is expressed in the following:
'I was bowed down at the hearing of it' (Isa. 21:3).
'He hath made my paths crooked' (Lam. 3:9).
'Turneth it upside down' (Isa. 24:1).
Perversity seems to express the meaning of the word.  Sin having missed
the mark renders all labour abortive, and our very natures are wrung out of
course or 'wrong', 'perverse'.
Avah leads to aval.  If avah means that nature which is crooked, aval
indicates those actions that are deceitful and unfair.  In about thirty
passages the word is rendered 'iniquity', and in the sense of a departure
from that which is equal or right; this expresses fairly well the meaning of
the word 'He that soweth iniquity (avlah) shall reap vanity (aven)' (Prov.
22:8).  And so the weary process is repeated from generation to generation.
We now reach those aspects and phases of sin that demand more vigorous
and active titles to express their character.  Up till now we have seen sin
as a failure, its condition ignorance, its fruit vanity, its course
distortion, but this can have but one result, viz., active rebellion and
Restless revolt