An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 104 of 297
principalities and powers, have only learned the manifold wisdom of God since
'the Mystery' entrusted to Paul has been made known.  The death of Christ not
only delivered His people, it destroyed their foes.
Two Companies of Principalities and Powers
In Romans 8:37 Paul speaks of the suffering believer as being 'more
than conqueror' through Him that loved us, and then goes on to assure us that
nothing can rob us of this victory or separate us from this love, and among
the possible antagonists he places 'principalities and powers' in close
association with 'death and life', an association that would be without sense
or purpose if these exalted beings were not antagonistic to the purposes of
'For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord' (Rom.
Under the translation 'rule' in 1 Corinthians 15:24 is hidden the word
'principality', and by restoring it we are assured of the promise of Romans
8.  Once again these principalities are aligned with death, for among the
enemies that are to be destroyed at the end is death. 'The end' will be
attained only 'when He shall have put down all principality and authority and
The first appearance in Ephesians of these principalities and powers is
in chapter 1.  There Christ is depicted as being seated 'far above' them, in
'heavenly places', whereas they, the principalities, powers, might and
dominion, are 'under His feet', and this subjection is in direct contrast
with the Church which is His Body, being shown in chapter 2 to be not only
raised up together with Christ, but potentially to be 'seated together' in
heavenly places, far above those subordinated principalities and powers.
Ephesians 6:12 at first sight seems to teach that these warring world rulers
of darkness are actually waging war 'in heavenly places'.  Now the earlier
references to 'heavenly places' leave no doubt about the fact that they are
where Christ sits at the right hand of God.  Are these 'spiritual
wickednesses in heavenly places', there, at the right hand of God?  It is
imperative that we seek a Scriptural answer to this question, for we must
remember that Satan's authority is limited to the 'air', and that Christ and
His church are 'far above all principality' and therefore far above the realm
of Satan himself.  In a footnote to an article written years ago by the
author in Things to Come, Dr. Bullinger drew attention to the true
disposition of the verse:
'For we wrestle not
But With principalities
in heavenly places'.
with flesh and blood
... Of This World
We do not wrestle with flesh and blood; neither do we wrestle in
heavenly places.  We do wrestle with spiritual wickednesses who are the
rulers of this darkness ('of this world' omitted, see R.V.).  The reader may
appreciate a confirmatory passage where a similar division of subject is
necessary.  As 2 Peter 1:19 stands in the A.V. it lends colour to the
erroneous teaching that the, Second Coming of Christ is not to be understood