An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 95 of 297
Thus it is that it is not the God of war, but 'the God of peace' that
shall bruise Satan under our feet shortly (Rom. 16:20).  The matter will be
'settled'.  It was 'the God of peace, that (Who) brought again from the dead
our Lord Jesus' (Heb. 13:20).  The experience of peace is threefold:
We have peace With God (Rom. 5:1).
The peace Of God keeps (Phil. 4:7).
The God of Peace will be with those who attain the standard set
in Philippians 4:9.
One particular aspect of peace, namely that of Ephesians 2:15, is
considered in the article Middle Wall3.
The doctrine of the Trinity is linked with the word 'person', and
according to the way that term is used and understood, so will our conception
of the term 'Trinity' be.
The orthodoxy of Dr. Chalmers is not a matter of dispute, and therefore
his statements concerning the doctrine of the Trinity in his lectures of
Divinity, may be a helpful introduction to the subject.  He declared that it
was his intention to depart from the usual order that most theological
courses take, i.e.  by beginning with the most abstruse and difficult of all
subjects, the essential nature of God.  He drew attention to the two methods
employed in any research, the analytical processes and the synthetic.  By the
synthetic you begin, as in geometry, with the elementary principles, and out
of these you compound the ultimate doctrines or conclusions.  By the
analytical method, you begin with the objects or the phenomena which first
solicit your regard, and these by comparison and abstraction you are enabled
to resolve into principles.
'"This latter mode", Dr. Chalmers continues, "is surely the fitter for
a science beset on either side with mysteries unfathomable ... .  Now
we cannot but think it a violation of this principle, that so early a
place should be given to the doctrine of the Trinity in
the common expositions of theology ... after having by a transcendental
flight assumed our station at the top of the ladder, to move through
the series of its descending steps instead of climbing upward from the
bottom of it ... We should feel our way upward ... we greatly fear that
a wrong commencement and a wrong direction may have infected with a
certain presumptuous and a priori spirit the whole of our theology.
'The most zealous Trinitarian affirms of the triune God that He is not
the Father, He is the one God, consisting of Father, Son and Holy
Ghost; neither is He the Son, He is the one God, consisting of Father,
Son and Holy Ghost; neither is He the Holy Ghost, He is the one God,
consisting of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  This is a very general
statement, we allow, nor do we think that Scripture warrants a more
special description of the Trinity; and most surely if the Scriptures
do not, reason ought not ... to distinguish, then, between what is
Scripturally plain and what is scholastically or scientifically obscure
in this question.  Let it first be considered, that there is nothing in
the individual propositions of the Father being God, of Christ being
God, of the Holy Spirit being God, which is not abundantly plain ...
viewed as separate propositions, there is nothing incompatible in the
sayings of Scripture.