An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 90 of 297
We have not, however, answered our question: 'Why do the Scriptures so
completely turn away from classical and pagan usage?'  The answer is that
Babylonian mythology, like most of the myths which are of Satanic origin,
twisted the record of Genesis 1:2 away from the thought of an overthrow and a
judgment, to a creative act and intention.  Tablet VII of the Creation
tablets, now in the British Museum reads:
'At that time the heavens above named not a name,
Nor did the earth below record one.
Yea, the deep was their first creation.
The chaos of the sea was the mother of them all'.
The cuneiform word for 'deep' is tiamat, which corresponds with the
Hebrew tehom 'deep' in Genesis 1:2.  Where the Scriptures speak of waste and
desolation consequent upon vengeance and judgment (by the analogy of the
faith, see Isa. 34:11 and Jer. 4:23), pagan mythology invests these
desolations with creative activity.
Janus, who is referred to as 'the god of gods' in the most ancient
hymns of the Salii (Macrob., Saturn), and from whom all other gods had their
origin, 'Principium Deorum' (Bryant); says of himself:
'The ancients ... called me Chaos'! (Fasti).
Against this perversion of truth, the overshadowing hand of God is
outstretched, preventing the writers of the Scriptures, or of the LXX from
furthering this blasphemous distortion.  We believe that Ephesians 1:4 can
only be translated 'before the overthrow of the world', and those who
unwittingly adopt and advocate the translation 'before the foundation of the
world' go contrary to truth, side with Babylonian myth, run counter to the
concordant method, and ignore the medical usage of the term katabolism.  Here
we rest our case, and believe without reserve or a glimmer of doubt that the
Church of the Mystery was chosen in Christ before the overthrow of the
angelic order that came to an end as described in Genesis 1:2.
Papyri.  One of the most important writing materials used by the ancients was
the papyrus sheet.  The oldest written papyrus known to be in existence is,
according to Kenyon, an account sheet belonging to the reign of the Egyptian
king Assa, which is conjecturally dated circa 2600 B.C.  Recent discoveries
have brought to light an enormous quantity of inscribed papyri, which have
shed considerable light upon New Testament Greek.
'The papyri are almost invariably non-literary in character.  For
instance, they include legal documents of all possible kinds: leases,
bills and receipts, marriage-contracts, bills of divorce, wills,
decrees issued by authority, documents suing for the punishment of
wrong-doers, minutes of judicial proceedings, tax papers in great
number.  Then there are letters and notes, schoolboys' exercise books,
marginal texts, horoscopes, diaries etc.
'The first great impression we receive is that
the language to which we
are accustomed in the New Testament is, on the
whole, just the kind of
Greek that simple, unlearned folk of the Roman
Imperial period were in
the habit of using' (Deissmann, Light from the
Ancient East).
Of the language employed by Paul, Deissmann says: