An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 83 of 297
you adhere to the Concordant method of interpretation or whether you feel
obliged to go outside the covers of the Scriptures, and prefer the usage of
pagan Greeks to 'the purposed selectivity' of inspired Prophets and Apostles.
Leaving the usage of katabole, we turn to Genesis 1:2.
Comparing the Words of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor. 2:13)
The two Hebrew words tohu and bohu occur together in three passages of
the Old Testament.  Those who pay something more than lipservice to the
'concordant method' would feel bound to consider these three passages
together, before coming to any conclusion.  As those who speak of the
'Disruption Fallacy' seem to have either evaded the obligation or forgotten
to set these three passages before their readers, we will do so without more
'Without form and void'
(Hebrew tohu va bohu).
Genesis 1:2.
Isaiah 34:11.
Jeremiah 4:23.
'And the earth was
'He shall stretch out
'I beheld the earth,
(became) without form,
upon it the line
and, lo, it was
and void; and darkness
of confusion (tohu),
without form, and
was upon the face
and the stones of
void; and the
of the deep'.
emptiness (bohu)'.
heavens, and they
had no light'.
Here are the words, not which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy
Ghost teaches, and these we compare in accord with the example of Paul given
in 1 Corinthians 2:13.
The passage in Genesis does not reveal the purpose with which the
revelation is made.  We do not know whether it was one of the many seismic
upheavals that have left their mark on the strata or whether this upheaval
has a moral or spiritual background.  Quite apart from positive evidence, we
expect in the forefront of a book which deals with Redemption and Purpose,
that this particular seismic disturbance is definitely related to the great
purpose of Redemption.  In this we find ourselves, happily, standing with the
apostle Paul, who, alluding to Genesis 1:2, wrote:
'For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined
in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ' (2 Cor. 4:6).
When we consider the
context of the prophecies of Isaiah 34:11 and
Jeremiah 4:23, we are left
in no possible doubt that the disruption of
Genesis 1:2 must have been
a judgment upon rebellion.  Here are the terms
used by Isaiah chapter 34,
that lead up to tohu and bohu in verse 11
'Indignation, fury, slaughter, dissolved, sword, curse, judgment,
soaked with blood, "For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance",
brimstone, burning pitch, lie waste'.