An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 46 of 297
many attacks which the Messianic line had suffered from the enemy of all
truth, whose antagonism from the very first was directed against the true
'Seed' (Gen. 3:15).  The very fact that the line had been diverted to
Nathan's seed, led to the fulfilment of the promise of the Seed of the woman,
in a way that would not have been so evident had Joseph still retained full
rights to the throne of David.  The Saviour is presented in these two
genealogies as the Seed of the Woman, the Seed of Abraham, the Seed of David
and as Emmanuel, God with us.
Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift.
The Principle of Right Division illustrated and endorsed
It is not our intention to give a verse by verse exposition of the
Gospel of Luke, and in the sections already written, those features which
seemed to be of outstanding importance have been examined, leaving much to
the reader to fill in.  We have already alluded to the fact that Luke seems
to have adopted an approach to the main story of the Lord's earthly life that
differs from Matthew's and Mark's, in that he traces the earthly ministry of
the Son of God from His opening statement in the synagogue of Nazareth to the
house of Martha and Mary (Luke 4:14 to 10:42).  The Beatitudes of the Sermon
on the Mount find their place in Luke 6:20-49, but the Lord's prayer, which
forms an important part according to Matthew 6:9-13 is omitted.  The second
aspect of the ministry of Christ as traced by Luke, opens with this prayer.
This second section commences with Luke 11:1 and ends with 14:24, the parable
of the Great Supper.  For the third time Luke goes back on the story and
leads us by yet another path to the closing days of the Lord's life on earth
(Luke 14:25 to 22:53).  We quote now from Mackinlay's book Recent Discoveries
in St. Luke's Writings.
'St. Luke has made two retrogressions in his Gospel, each followed by a
narrative in correct historical sequence, forming together with the
main account before the end of chapter ten, three parallel narratives
which lead up to and emphasize the main subject of the Gospel, the
death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ'.
The three avenues pursued by Luke with their different starting points
and their common rendezvous may be set out thus:
The Three Avenues that lead to the Cross
First line ends at Bethany, six days
Luke 4:14
before Crucifixion
Luke 10:42
Revert to
3 years
Sermon on the Mount
Luke 11:1
to week of Lord's
Luke 14:24
2 years
Luke 14:25
Luke 22:53
6 months