An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 31 of 297
delivered (Luke 2:6).  Unbridled speculation in early days swung either to
such an emphasis upon the Divine side of this great miracle, as to render the
human nature of the Saviour tenuous and unreal, or swung so far over to the
other side as to deny or explain away the miraculous element in His
conception and birth.  In but one item only did the Saviour differ from those
for whom He came to be a Saviour, they all had a human father and so were
linked with fallen Adam, but He, Who had no human father, broke the dread
entail, and became the second Man and the last Adam, Emmanuel, God with us,
God manifest in the flesh.  Luke seems to have purposely placed the birth of
John and the birth of the Lord Jesus together, and to have employed so many
similar terms that it is impossible to deny that the parallels are
We set out the Scriptures that contain these two accounts, as shown
Doubtless further parallels could be discovered if the original words
were compared, but the above is sufficient to establish an intentional
connection between the circumstances of the birth both of the Forerunner and
of his Lord.  Let us reverently examine some of the words of Gabriel to Mary
concerning this Son of hers.  Matthew links the two names 'Jesus' and
'Emmanuel' with the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14, Luke makes no reference to
Isaiah, and does not use the name Emmanuel, but he most certainly stresses
(1) The virgin birth of the Saviour,(2) That He was, though born of a woman,
nevertheless indeed and in truth 'God with us'.  Mary was a virgin, espoused
to a man named Joseph.  In Luke 2:5 she is called his espoused wife, and
Matthew 1:18 supplements this by saying:
'Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as His mother
Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found
with child of the Holy Ghost'.
John the Baptist
The angel Gabriel announces his birth  Luke 1:11,13,19.
Zacharias is troubled, exhibits some unbelief  Luke 1:12,18,20.
Promise Elisabeth shall bear thee a son  Luke 1:13.
Fear not Zacharias  Luke 1:13.
Thou shalt call his name John  Luke 1:13.
He shall be the Prophet of the Highest  Luke 1:76.
Filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb
Luke 1:15.
Her full time came ... she should be delivered  Luke 1:57.
She brought forth a son  Luke 1:57.
Neighbours and cousins ... rejoiced  Luke 1:58.
Circumcised the eighth day  Luke 1:59.
Laid up in their hearts  Luke 1:66.
Zacharias' prophetic song  Luke 1:67-79.
The child grew, and waxed strong in spirit
Luke 1:80.
The Lord Jesus Christ
The angel Gabriel announces His birth  Luke 1:26.
Mary is troubled, but exhibits no unbelief  Luke 1:29.
Promise to Mary 'Thou shalt conceive'  Luke 1:31.