An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 201 of 270
seem to indicate in a general way the mind of the Lord as to the meeting
together of His people.
In the early days we read several times of 'the church in the house'
(Rom. 16:5; Col. 4:15) of one or another Christian.  We believe that the
apostasy which is everywhere manifesting itself will compel the faithful once
again to meet in this primitive way.  When this does take place, the domestic
qualifications of the bishop and deacon of 1 Timothy 3 will be better
appreciated.  It will be obviously impossible to meet in the house of a
brother whose lack of control makes his children's behaviour a scandal.
Neither could the meeting be held in a home where there was lack of unity
between husband and wife.  With regard to the question of teachers, we
believe that when the Lord's people met together, it would not be long before
one or two would manifest that they were 'faithful men, able to teach others
also', and would be recognized as such.
We are fellow -members of the One Body, and our privilege it is, by the
working together of every part, to make increase of the Body unto the
building up of itself in love.  Let us avoid by all means a mere
multiplication of 'meetings'.  Let us shun any approach to a 'sect', but let
us as fellow -members of One Body seek by all the means sanctioned and
sanctified by the Word, to build one another up in the faith:
'Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the
Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written
before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His
name' (Mal. 3:16).
We should probably not find it very difficult to define the meaning of
righteousness, truth or goodness, but holiness is an awe -inspiring word; it
is something quite apart from the common run of life.  In everyday
conversation or correspondence such terms as 'true', 'just', 'good'
constantly appear, but, unless the subject of such conversation or
correspondence has specifically to do with the Scriptures, the Church or with
the things of God, the words 'holiness' or 'holy' would not be used from one
year's end to the other.  In order the better to appreciate the extraordinary
implication of this term, let us consider how Moses and the Prophets were led
to give Israel some idea of what the word 'holiness' could mean.  When we
remember the environment of Egypt with its gross idolatry, or the constant
contamination by contact with other nations and peoples, we can begin to
sense the colossal task set before the writers of Scripture.  One way in
which the essentials of this term were impressed on the people was the choice
of the words translated holy, namely qodesh, the Hebrew word of the Old
Testament  and hagios, the Greek word of the New Testament.  Another way was
the repeated separation of land and people, like wheels within wheels, that
eventually arrived at the typical Holiest of All in the Tabernacle, into
which not one of the holy nation or holy tribe or holy family, except the
high priest, was permitted to enter on penalty of death (Lev. 16:2; Exod.
30:10).  We have appended a diagram to assist us in following the Divine
procedure as we attempt to arrive at some true understanding of the meaning
of holiness.
The whole wide earth is the Lord's, yet for His purposes of grace, one
Land was severed off from the rest and called 'a holy land'.  While all the