An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 134 of 270
'The days that were before shall be lost (naphal), because his
separation was defiled'.
This passage belongs properly to the dispensational section, but it
illustrates an important truth in doctrine as well.  The promises of the Lord
will never 'lapse' like the vow of a Nazarite might.  Should there appear
'gaps' and 'postponements', or should Israel become for a season 'lo -ammi'
(see Lo -Ammi2), there can be no 'slackness' (Hab. 2:1 -3; 2 Pet. 3:9) with
In connection with His promises it is written He 'cannot lie'.
Shaqar, 'to lie or deceive':
'Nevertheless My loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor
suffer My faithfulness to fail' (Psa. 89:33).
Emunah, 'faithfulness' or 'truth' occurs seven times in this Psalm
(1,2,5,8,24,33 and 49).  An examination of the word 'faithful' in the New
Testament yields 'nine manner of fruits', fellowship, temptation,
sanctification, keeping, failure, profession, human weakness, suffering,
confession and the great prophetic future are all touched upon and
illuminated by the promise of God Who cannot lie.  To this we must add the
words of 2 Corinthians 1:20 (R.V.):
'For how many soever be the promises of God, in Him is the yea:
wherefore also through Him is the Amen, unto the glory of God through
'We bless Thee, O Thou great Amen,
Jehovah's pledge to sinful men,
Confirming all His Word.
Doubtful no promises remain,
For all are Yea, and all Amen,
In Thee, the faithful Lord'
(Hymns of Praise, No. 62).
Adar, 'to lack'.  'For that He is strong in power, not one faileth'
(Isa. 40:26).  As with Israel, so with all the redeemed, 'There shall not an
hoof be left behind' (Exod. 10:26).
'By the morning light there lacked not one' (2 Sam. 17:22).
So closely related is faith to the gospel and salvation that it is used
to denominate the redemptive scheme and message.  'He ... now preacheth the
Faith which once he destroyed' (Gal. 1:23).  So also 'Depart from the Faith'
(1 Tim. 4:1); 'Contend for the Faith' (Jude 3).  In the same way we speak of
'believing' as the accepting of a message, and 'belief' as the thing
believed.  'Faith' and 'believe' in the Old Testament are translations of the
Hebrew emun and its cognates, which gives us the word 'amen'.  There is
nothing speculative, vague or temporary about this Hebrew word.  As a verb it
means to support or nourish (2 Kings 10:1); as a substantive it means a
foster -father, or a foster -mother (Isa. 49:23; Ruth 4:16), and as pillars
of a door (2 Kings 18:16).  As a verb it means to make sure, firm or lasting