An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 113 of 270
outward appearance, but the
'And needed not that any
Lord looketh on the heart'
should testify of man: for He
(1 Sam. 16:7).
knew what was in man' (John 2:25).
'The Lord searcheth all
'And Jesus, perceiving the
hearts, and understandeth all the
thought of their heart' (Luke
imaginations of the thoughts'
(1 Chron. 28:9).
The Lord Jesus Christ
Incomprehensible, while comprehending all (continued)
'Thou, even Thou only,
'I am He which searcheth the
knowest the hearts of all the
reins and hearts' (Rev. 2:23).
children of men' (1 Kings 8:39).
'Shall not the Judge of all the
'We must all appear before the
earth do right?' (Gen. 18:25).
judgment seat of Christ' (2 Cor.
'When the Son of man shall come in
His glory ... then shall He sit ...
and before Him shall be gathered
all nations' (Matt. 25:31,32).
'The Father judgeth no man, but
hath committed all judgment unto
the Son: that all men should honour
the Son, even as they honour the
Father' (John 5:22,23).
(Notice the 'even as' in this
The Holy One
'I am Jehovah thy God, the
'Ye denied the Holy One (ton
Holy One (LXX -- ho hagios) of
hagion) and the Just' (Acts 3:14).
Israel' (Isa. 43:3).
'That Holy Thing which shall be
born of thee' (Luke 1:35).
The King
'The King of kings, and Lord
'King of kings, and Lord of
of lords'(1 Tim. 6:15).
lords' (Rev. 19:16).
'My glory will I not give to
'Worthy is the Lamb that was
another' (Isa. 42:8).
slain to receive power ... glory'
(Rev. 5:12).
'Thine is the kingdom, and
'The kingdoms of this world
the power, and the glory'
are become the kingdoms of our