An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 111 of 270
'If ye then be not able to do
'With God all things are
that thing which is least' (Luke
possible' (Matt. 19:26).
'There is none righteous, no,
'There is none good but One,
not one' (Rom. 3:10).
that is, God' (Matt. 19:17).
'All Men Should Honour The Son, even as they Honour The Father' (John 5:23).
We have drawn attention to the way in which the Scriptures sever God in
His attributes, Person and ways from man.  We now seek to set before the
reader parallel passages of the Word of truth, wherein the attributes and
titles of God which are positively denied to man as such, are freely and
unreservedly given to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ
First and Last
'I am the first, and I am the
'I am Alpha and Omega, the
last; and beside Me there is no
beginning and the ending ... I am
God ... Is there a God beside
Alpha and Omega, the first and
Me? yea, there is no God; I know
the last ... Fear not; I am the first
not any' (Isa. 44:6 -8).
and the last' (Rev. 1:8,11,17).
'From everlasting to
'Whose goings forth have been
everlasting, Thou art God'
from of old, from everlasting'
(Psa. 90:2).
(Micah 5:2).
'Thy throne is established of
'Unto the Son He saith, Thy
old: Thou art from everlasting'
throne, O God, is for ever and
(Psa. 93:2).
ever' (Heb. 1:8).
The Lord Jesus Christ
'... whither shall I flee from
'Where two or three are
Thy Presence?  If I ascend up
gathered together in My name,
into heaven, Thou art there: if I
there am I in the midst of them'
make my bed in hell, behold,
(Matt. 18:20).
Thou art there.  lf I take the
'Lo. I am with you alway, even
wings of the morning, and dwell
unto the end of the world (age)'
in the uttermost parts of the sea;
(Matt. 28:20).
even there shall Thy hand lead
me, and Thy right hand shall
'He that descended is the same
hold me' (Psa. 139:7 -10).
also that ascended up far above
all heavens, that He might fill all
things' (Eph. 4:10).
'Do not I fill heaven and
'That He would grant you,
earth? saith the Lord' (Jer. 23
according to the riches of His