An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 92 of 270
meaning of John 14:6 is, 'I am the true and living way' even as Hebrews 10:20
reveals Him as 'the new and living way'.  'True' as contrasted with all the
types and shadows of the law.  'New' as contrasted with all that pertains to
the Old Covenant that waxing old must vanish away.  The Companion Bible draws
attention to the fact that prosphatos, the word translated 'new', literally
means 'newly slain', and the reader may be forgiven if he should consequently
stress the reference to sacrifice.  The word does not occur elsewhere in the
New Testament except in the form of an adverb, where it reads of Aquila that
he had 'lately' come from Italy (Acts 18:2).  Prosphatos occurs in the LXX
four times:
Numbers 6:3, 'fresh grapes',
Deuteronomy 32:17, 'new and fresh gods',
Psalm 81:9 (in LXX Psa. 80), 'new god',
Eccles. 1:9, 'no new thing'.
The adverb occurs twice,
Deuteronomy 24:5 (LXX verse 7), 'recently taken a wife',
Ezekiel 11:3, 'houses newly built'.
This idea of something new is contained also in the word 'consecrate' which
is found in Hebrews 10:20.  The Greek word so translated is engkainizo,
composed of en, 'in' and 'kainos', 'new'.  This word gives us engkainia, the
name of a feast, 'the feast of dedication', a feast that commemorated the
dedication of the Temple at Jerusalem at its renovation and purification,
after being polluted by Antiochus Epiphanes, who had offered in sacrifice
swine upon the altar (Joseph. Ant. 12, v. 4).  'Then said Judas and his
brethren, Behold, our enemies are discomforted: Let us go up and cleanse and
dedicate (engkainizo) the sanctuary ... then they took whole stones according
to the law, and built a new (kainon) altar ... and new (kainos) holy vessels
... Now on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month, which is called the
month of Casleu, in the hundred and forty and eighth year ... they offered
sacrifices according to the law upon the new (kainon) ... the gates and the
chambers they renewed (engkainizo) and hanged doors upon them' (1 Macc. 4:36
Parkhurst says of engkainizo, 'to handsel, in a religious sense'.  This
term, 'to handsel' may not be readily understood by many today, it has
dropped out of common use.  The word means a gift, an earnest, the first act
of a sale.  'The apostles term it the pledge of our inheritance, and the
handsel or earnest of that which is to come' (Hooker: Eccles. Polity).
To 'handsel' any house is to open it for the first time for use (Deut.
20:5), so to handsel any road is to open it for access (see Bloomfield).  We
are now placed a little nearer to the position which any intelligent Hebrew
would have occupied, and can read Hebrews 10:20, as it would have appeared in
the eyes of those who knew the Maccabean history, kept the feast of
dedication, and understood the ceremony of the handsel.  The Old Covenant
waxed old and was vanishing away.  The offerings of the law never touched the
conscience.  The priests never sat down in the course of their ministry, even
the high priest needed to offer for his own sins before he offered for the
people.  Christ was a High Priest of good things to come.  Just as He
fulfilled the Passover, the Firstfruits and the Day of Atonement, so He
fulfilled the Feast of Dedication.  The new tabernacle has been entered, and
dedicated; old things give place to new.  In direct antithesis to the Old
Covenant, a covenant which waxed old (Heb. 8:13), is the heavenly reality of