An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 46 of 270
'Unto thy seed have I given this land' (Gen. 15:18).
'Thou hast become a father of a multitude of nations' (Gen. 17:4).
'Lo, I have sent unto thee Naaman, my servant, and thou hast recovered
him of his leprosy' (2 Kings 5:6).
In the last example given the king was mistaken, but his meaning is
The four words used in Romans 8:30 may be likened to links in a chain,
the first and the last belonging to the remote past and the eternal future,
while the second and third, calling and justification are apparent in time.
While calling takes place in time, it is according to purpose; it is a
holy calling ... 'which was given us in Christ Jesus before age times' (2
Tim. 1:9).
Haldane commenting on Romans 8:30 says,
'Here the apostle connects our calling which is known, with God's
decree which is concealed, to teach us that we may judge of our
election by our calling (2 Pet. 1:10) ... Effectual calling, then, is
the proper and necessary consequence and effect of election, and the
means to glorification ... The Author of this calling is holy, and it
is a call unto holiness (1 Pet. 1:15).  It is a calling unto the grace
of Christ (Gal. 1:6).  In this effectual calling the final perseverance
of the saints is also secured, since it stands connected on the one
hand with election and predestination, and on the other hand with
sanctification and glorification.  "The gifts and calling of God are
without repentance".  Calling as the effect of predestination must be
irresistible, or rather invincible, and also irreversible'.
The reader will recognize in this extract the heartfelt faith of one who
would be called a Calvinist, and while it is
not possible to subscribe to all that John Calvin taught concerning the
Divine decrees, no one that believes what Paul has written in Romans 8:30 can
refuse to follow him here.
See Judgment Seat2.
This subject has been touched upon in the article entitled Accepted1,6,
but must be given a fuller consideration here.  Whereas Justification is
associated with the law, with a court of law, with accusers, with
condemnation or acquittal, being summed up in the word Righteous, cleansing
has rather to do with sanctification, its atmosphere being that of the
Temple, with worship, with service, being summed up in the word Holy.  In
the synoptic Gospels, cleansing is associated with the cleansing of lepers
(Matt. 8:2, etc.); the purifying of Mary (Luke 2:22); the ceremonial
cleansing of cup and platter of the Pharisees (Matt. 23:25); the purifying of
meats (Mark 7:19).