An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 6 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 9 of 270
References to the Septuagint Versions (LXX)
When verifying Charles H. Welch's references to Greek words in the LXX
and to the English translation given, we have sometimes been unable to find
the Greek or the translation provided.
Page 151, line 6; Mr. Welch quotes ekleipo.
We can find enapethanen in the Greek that accompanies Sir
Lancelot Charles Lee Benton's English translation, and apathanen
in the Concordance to the LXX by Abrahami Trommi, published in
Page 323, lines 13 and 14; Mr. Welch states that a verbal form of
epilusis occurs in the LXX of Genesis 41:12.
We can only find the verbal form of epilusis, namely epiluein, in
Genesis 41:12, in Aquila's version of the LXX.  Epiluein also
occurs in Aquila's version of Genesis 40:8 and 41:8, and
Theodotion's version of Hosea 3:4.
If any reader knows of other English translations that Mr. Welch may
have used, the publishers will be pleased to be informed of them.
It should be remembered that there are several versions of the Greek
Old Testament, for instance:
For further study, see Volume of the Book7, and the book entitled The
Volume of the Book written by Charles H. Welch.
'Absent from the body' (2 Cor. 5:8)
In Matthew 15:9 the Lord is recorded to have said to some of His
hearers, 'In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments
of men'.  In Mark 7:9,13 He said, 'Full well ye reject the commandment of
God, that ye may keep your own tradition ... making the word of God of none
effect through your tradition'.
Whenever we hear a portion of Scripture persistently misquoted, we can
be sure that traditional belief is obscuring the vision, and distorting the