An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 328 of 328
worship which angels offer', that is, that the Colossians were affecting such
humility, that they did not approach God with the boldness of access and
confidence which was theirs through Christ (Eph. 3:12).  This presupposes
that angelic worship was not characterized by such holy boldness.  We have,
admittedly, little ground to work on here, but if we agree that the Seraphim
of Isaiah 6 are at least as high in the spirit world as angels, if not
higher, we shall be struck with the fact that when these holy beings stood in
the presence of the Lord they used two of their six wings to cover their
faces and two to cover their feet (Isa. 6:2).
In contrast with this, as also in contrast with the veiling of the face
of Moses under the old covenant, we have:
`Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.  But we all, with
Unveiled face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit
of the Lord' (2 Cor. 3:17,18).
Here, the words `open face' of the A.V., are better translated
`unveiled face' in order that the very real connection with the `veil' of
verses 13,14,15 and 16 may be perceived (kalumma `veil' anakalupto `open').
The law of Moses was `ordained by angels in the hand of a Mediator' (Gal.
3:19); the law was received `by the disposition of angels' (Acts 7:53); the
word `spoken by angels was stedfast' (Heb.  2:2).  These passages are well
known to every reader, but what may not be recognized is that these, and
Colossians 2:18, are linked together by references to the transient character
of the worship that is essentially associated with that law given by angels.
The worship that is acceptable under the terms of the dispensation of
the Mystery is unrelated to time or place.  We `serve as sons' and with
`unveiled face', having `access with boldness'.
By the accident of alphabetical sequence, this Analysis started with
the word Abba, the worshipping and privileged utterance of `sons'.  By the
same accident it closes with Worship and with the emphasis on `service as
This is in line with the true goal of Dispensational Truth and with the
principle of Right Division, for they lead to where Christ sitteth at the
right hand of God, and to our blood -bought access, acceptance and future
manifestation with Christ in glory.