An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 309 of 328
Galatians 1
1:1 -10.
Paul's independent
1:11 -14.
Paul's independent
gospel.  `My gospel'.
1:15 -24.
Paul's independent
Here are the words which the Holy Ghost teacheth ouk, oude, alla, and
their recognition makes the reader independent of all human subdivisions, for
these words are an integral and an intentional part of the inspired epistle.
The structure of the second chapter is more involved but point answers
point so beautifully that no proof is needed of its existence than the
ability to read and see for oneself.
Galatians 2:1 -14
A 1,2. a Paul goes to Jerusalem for the faith.
b Barnabas stands fast with him.
3 -5. c Titus a Greek not compelled.
d Paul stands for `the truth of the gospel'.
6 -10. e Seemed to be somewhat.
f Nothing added to me.
g Gospel of Circumcision -- Peter.
g Gospel of Uncircumcision -- Paul.
e Seemed to be pillars.
f Only ... remember the poor.
A 11 -14. a Peter comes to Antioch, faith overthrown.
b Barnabas carried away.
d Peter's walk contrary to
`the truth of the gospel'.
Gentiles compelled to Judaize.
No comment is needed.  Either this is a structure founded upon the
actual occurrence of the words thus exhibited, or it is a human fabrication.
We will not attempt to decide, but simply ask the reader to test every item
by the Scriptures themselves.
For fifty years it has been our custom before attempting the exposition
of any given passage of Scripture to discover the literary structure, a
practical application of the principle of 1 Corinthians 2:13, which, wedded
to the equally important principle of Right Division (2 Tim. 2:15), renders
both writer and reader independent of the many conflicting opinions to be
found in the commentaries and expositions that are in common use.  It may
take more learning and ability to discover the weaknesses of such
commentaries, but anyone capable of reading the Scriptures or of using an
Analytical Concordance can safely check every item offered in a structure,
and so be absolutely safeguarded from the dominion of human authority.
We have seen by the examples already given that the principle indicated
in 1 Corinthians 2:13 is productive and can be as fruitful in its application
as is the principle of Right Division, given in 2 Timothy 2:15.