An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 240 of 328
Before the work of ministry could be entered upon or the Body built up
something had to be done to meet the dispensational crisis of Acts 28.  The
need brought about by the state of affairs at that time is expressed in the
word `perfecting'.  Had the church of the One Body been the `perfect' state
of which the church of 1 Corinthians 13 was the immature, then this
development of doctrine and status could have been expressed by the word so
often translated `to perfect' (teleioo).  This, however, is not the case.
The word used here for the `perfecting' of the saints indicates a rupture, a
break, a dislocation, such as we might expect when such a drastic setting
aside of the channel of blessing took place, as it did, in Acts 28.
Katartismos.  This word, according to Cremer, is used in classical
Greek in medical works only.  Katartizo occurs in Matthew 4:21, `mending
their nets', where the primary idea restore is seen.  In 1 Corinthians 1:10
it comes in a context of division:
`I beseech you ... that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be
perfectly joined together'.
So also in Galatians 6:1:
`Ye which are spiritual, restore such an one'.
To mend as one would a broken net, to be perfectly joined together as
contrasted with division, to restore as one would a dislocated limb (the
medical use of the word), this sense seems uppermost in Ephesians 4.  The
apostles and prophets of the earlier order were not fitted to mend the
rupture that had been caused by Israel's rejection.  A special set of
apostles and prophets was given by the Lord, whose primary business it was to
bridge the gulf, and to reset the saints into their new position.  These
apostles and prophets laid the foundation (Eph. 2:20).  Their work was
accompanied and also followed by the evangelist and the teacher, and all
united together in the one great work of readjustment, for the very gospel
took on new aspects, such as the `gospel of peace' and the `gospel of glory'.
At such times some old things pass away, some old things are brought over
into the new setting, and some new things are revealed.  It is only through
the writings of the later ministry of Paul that we can learn these
Take an example well known to most students of Scripture.
In 1
Corinthians 11 are two important items of church practice:
The position of women in relation to men in the ministry.
The Lord's Supper.
Apart from the teaching given by the specially equipped ministers whose
work it was to readjust the saints, we should not know whether both the above
were carried over into the new dispensation, whether both were left behind,
whether the Lord's Supper only was retained, or whether the relationship of
the man and woman only was carried over.  Who could possibly decide this but
the Lord Himself?  In Paul's first epistle to Timothy (2:8 -15) the relation
of the sexes in ministry is repeated, and readjusted.  Here we stand upon
positive teaching.  The second item, the Lord's Supper, is not repeated,
either in this chapter, this epistle, or in any epistle written by Paul for
the instruction of the church and its ministry after Acts 28.