An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 216 of 328
older assumption that the Galatia of the New Testament is the smaller and
more Northern Kingdom.
Perhaps the most useful section in the whole book is that one that
throws light upon Galatians 3:15 -18, revealing the association of `adoption'
with the appointing of the `heir', and its bearing upon the fact that the
coming in of the law 430 years after the unconditional covenant with Abraham
could not disannul it.
In his book The cities of St. Paul: Their influence on his life and
thought, Ramsay devotes his attention to Tarsus, Antioch, Iconium, Derbe and
Lystra, and to read 150 pages of archaeological, geographical and historical
researches in and around Tarsus, will enable one the better to understand the
apostle's boast, that he was a citizen of `no mean city'.
The Church in the Roman Empire before a.d. 170, follows first of all
the missionary journeys of Paul and then pursues the history of Christian
witness from a.d. 64-170.
Extracts from these works, to be at all intelligible, would have to be
too copious to be possible in such an article as this; we can but commend
them to the discriminating student, with the warning that they are hard
reading and usually high priced.
If the student is limited in means and book room, perhaps The Bearing
of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament would be the
best of all to start with.  The book covers once more the movements of the
apostle Paul in Galatia, deals with the earlier chapters of the Acts and
throws the light of history and research upon many important items in the
When we learn from Sir W. M. Ramsay himself that, at the commencement
of his career, he was attached to what is called `The Tubingen School' of
Criticism, and that his own investigation on the spot slowly but surely
convinced him of the authenticity and accuracy of Luke the writer of Acts, we
mingle thanksgiving with our reading and rejoice that the testimony of such
an author is a valuable contribution in the fight of faith.
The Companion Bible
We should not be worthy of the trust committed to us, nor to the
continued fellowship of the Lord's people, if we did not hope and reasonably
expect that The Berean Expositor and our other publications might also be
included among those tools for the unashamed workman of which we have spoken.
The fact that we felt impelled to produce an Index for the first twenty
volumes is an evidence that we knew that many readers found the magazine
worthy of reference.  It would not be seemly however to speak further of our
own publication in these pages.  There is a work very closely linked with the
witness of The Berean Expositor however that we must include in this series,
namely The Companion Bible.  When the Lord laid upon us the burden of the
Mystery and its clear cut testimony, an interview with Dr. E. W. Bullinger
led to the beginning of a series of articles in Things to Come entitled
Dispensational Expositions.  The Berean Expositor commenced its witness in
February 1909, the articles for Things to Come commenced in March 1909, and
in that same year Dr. Bullinger commenced work upon The Companion Bible.  We
have in another place put into print what that interview with Dr. Bullinger
meant to us, a young unknown believer, and he a scholar of world -wide