An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 120 of 328
Before going further we must attempt to discover the structure of the
passage.  We have already seen that the three references to `being ashamed'
seem to divide the section up into three parts.  We therefore note this fact
as follows:
Not ashamed of the testimony -- Paul the Prisoner (1:8).
Not ashamed through suffering -- Paul the Prisoner (1:12).
Not ashamed of his chain -- Paul the Prisoner (1:16).
We next observe that in the first division the apostle speaks
particularly of the gospel:
`Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel ... brought life and
immortality to light through the gospel' (1:8 -10).
In the second section, the subject is `that good deposit' (1:12,14).
In the third section, service is prominent: `he oft refreshed me'; `he
ministered unto me' (1:16 -18).  We therefore note these facts as follows:
The subject of verses 8 -12 is the Gospel.
The subject of verses 12 -14 is the `good deposit'.
The subject of verses 15 -18 is service.
These three subjects, each associated with being unashamed, are
connected by the apostle with two time periods.  The Gospel is connected with
a period `before the world began' (1:9), while the `good deposit' (1:12) and
the recognition of the service of Onesiphorus (1:16 -18) are both connected
with `that day'.
We now have sufficient material to enable us to arrive at the