An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 105 of 328
must have been time before creation, and, when heaven and earth pass away,
there will still be time, otherwise we could not say the words `before' and
`after'.  The present world was called into being during a period of six
days, and for the present purpose it makes no difference whether these be
conceived as days of twenty -four hours or long geological periods; creation
and time march together.  We anticipate the possible interposition of some
reader who will quote from the book of Revelation that `time' shall be `no
longer' (Rev. 10:6).  Seeing that there must come after this proclamation the
thousand years reign of Christ, it is evident that the mighty angel of
Revelation 10 is not speaking of the cessation of time as such.  We
accordingly consult the original and note the occurrences of the word in
The use of these words as a title of Christ in Revelation 3:14 warns us
that there may be much more than `time' intended by the phrase `In the
2:21. `Space to repent'
See sins detailed in verses 20 and
21, and the threat in 22 and 23.
6:11. `A little season'
Souls slain for Word of God and
testimony; told to wait.
10:6. `No longer time'
See statement concerning non-repentance
at end of chapter 9, and the judgment
that follows.
20:3. `A little season'
Souls of beheaded for testimony and
Word; now reign.
It will be seen that the passage in 10:6 corresponds with 2:21 and
leads us to see that the angel declares that `space for repentance shall be
no longer'.  Awful announcement!  Yet who can say that the Lord has not been
longsuffering?  The very complicated series of slowly increasing judgments
are evidences that judgment is His strange act.  Now, however, the wrath is
come to the uttermost and will be poured out without admixture.  Coupled with
this, we must read 6:11.  There delay is indicated until the martyred host is
complete; here the delay is finished, heaven's King is at hand, and the
martyred souls are soon to be liberated to share the reign of the thousand
years.  John the Baptist, the first forerunner of the King, preached
repentance.  This angelic forerunner declares that space to repent shall be
no longer granted.
It has been inferred from the great name of God `I Am' that time has no
relation with Him.  This may be so, but it is significant that immediately
after this great revelation is made to Moses, it is restated in terms more
related to the condition of the hearer.
`I Am hath sent me unto you' (Exod. 3:14).
But God said moreover `thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel.
The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: This is my name for ever (unto the age),