An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 80 of 328
This last clause `fellowcitizens of the saints' must not be
misinterpreted as though the apostle would say:
`Once you were aliens from the citizenship of Israel, but now times
have changed and you are on an equality with Israel'.
There is no citizenship of Israel in view in the Prison Epistles.  The
citizenship of the Mystery is `far above all' or as Philippians 3:20 puts it:
`Our conversation (politeuma citizenship) is (not the verb "to be" but
"exists as a fact" huparcho) in heaven, out of which we look for the
When it can be proved that the Church of the One Body is looking for
the Saviour out of a city of Israel (for the words of Philippians 3:20 `out
of which' do not refer to `heaven' but to `citizenship'), then it will be
time enough to attempt to introduce either the translation `guest' for xenos
(Eph. 2:12) or Israel's citizenship into Ephesians 2:19.  Surely, as we
behold the marvels of grace expressed in the Selah of quickening love (Eph.
2:4) and in the Selah of alienation and access, our hearts are moved to
thanksgiving as we say:
`Selah, think of that, what a change grace has wrought'.