An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 64 of 328
Israel.  Also that when he stands up there will be a resurrection and an
unprecedented tribulation, which links 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians,
Matthew 24 and Daniel 12 together.  The apostle Paul at the very end of Acts,
after having written 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians,
Hebrews and Romans, still declares that he was bound `for the hope of Israel'
(Acts 28:20).
As to the `vagueness' of the teaching concerning the hope before the
church of the One Body, there is no vagueness in Colossians 3:4 and Titus
2:13 as to Who constitutes the hope.  In the one case He is described as
`Christ Who is our life', and in the other `Our great God and Saviour Jesus
Christ'.  Then there is no vagueness as to what we look for.  The same two
passages say:
`When Christ, Who is our life, shall be made manifest, then shall ye
also be made manifest with Him In Glory'.
`Looking for that blessed hope, and the manifesting of The Glory of our
great God and Saviour Jesus Christ'.
Now turn if you will to Ephesians 1 and read verses 15 to 18.
A -- (Does so).
What do you wish me to notice here?
B -- Does Paul teach the saints much detail here as to their hope?
A -- No, I cannot say he does.
B -- Does he teach them anything at all?
A -- Just what do you mean?
B -- Does he not rather say, I have come to the hour when my teaching
ends, and, when the Lord's teaching must begin?  Paul instead of going into
details concerning the hope prays that these believers may themselves receive
from God a spirit of wisdom and revelation ... that they may know what is the
hope of His calling.  Must not your charge of lack of detail be laid to the
door of the apostle himself, nay, to the very inspired Word of God?
Nevertheless, there is far more detail enshrined in this passage than may at
first appear.
First, it is not quite certain whether Paul intends us to understand
`the knowledge of Him', Christ, or `the knowledge of it', the Mystery, `the
hope of His calling', God, or `the hope of its calling', the Mystery.  Really
there is no final distinction, for Christ sums up the mystery of God.  The
apostle by this passage reveals the key to full knowledge.  It is this.  As
you grow in knowledge of the ascended Christ and the related Mystery, so you
will understand the nature, sphere, character, glory and blessedness of your
hope.  Learn what Christ's present position is as related to the One Body,
and you learn where its hope is situated.  You must also realize the
essential difference between 1 Thessalonians 4 and Colossians 3:4, `in the
air' and `in glory'.
Do not go away with the false notion that those who seek to `live ...
looking for the blessed hope' feel that in exchanging the words `in the air'
for `in glory' they have exchanged something real for something vague.  Do
not think that `to be manifested with Him in glory' is less blessed than to