An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 59 of 328
B -- Think the subject over, and let us talk it over again.
Heavenly Places
A -- I believe you teach that the sphere of blessing peculiar to the
church of the One Body, viz., `heavenly places', is something distinct.
B -- Yes, that is so.
I believe we can truthfully say that it is `far
above all'.
A -- Well, I have been told by those who know, that precisely the same
Greek word that is used in Ephesians 1:3 is used in Matthew, John, 1
Corinthians and Hebrews, and therefore that you have been carried away by
zeal that is not according to knowledge in teaching that the heavenly places
of Ephesians indicate a position distinct from, and superior to, that of the
church as revealed in the Gospels or Hebrews.
B -- We will not be too much concerned about the opinions of those `who
know', for Galatians 2 reveals that such at times have to be set aside.  We
are, however, concerned about the truth, and therefore we will `search and
A -- The word is, I believe, epouranios.
B -- Yes, it is a compound word made up of epi, meaning over, above, or
upon, and ouranos, meaning heaven.
A -- It is used in Matthew 18:35 in the phrase, `My heavenly Father'
(though some texts read ouranios) and in John 3:12 of `heavenly things'.  In
1 Corinthians 15:40,48 and 49 it is used five times, where Paul speaks of
`celestial bodies' and their glory, and of some who are `heavenly' and who
shall `bear the image of the heavenly'.
3:1 speaks of those who are `partakers of the heavenly
6:4 speaks of those who had `tasted the heavenly gift'.
8:5 speaks of the `shadow of heavenly things'.
9:23 speaks of the `cleansing of heavenly things'.
11:16 speaks of a `heavenly country', and
12:22 speaks of the `heavenly Jerusalem'.
B -- It does my heart good to see this earnest search, and to listen to
this presentation of the occurrences of the word.  The concordance can be one
of your greatest servants, but you must not think that a mere accumulation of
texts of itself constitutes an argument.  I should like to hear what you
learn from these passages that makes the teaching advanced concerning the One
Body to be untenable
A -- Well, you have very definitely taught two things, viz.:
The Church of Ephesians is blessed in a sphere called the super -
heavenlies, and is distinct from all other companies of the redeemed:
That those addressed in the epistle to the Hebrews are to be
distinguished from the church of Ephesians, and that their hope does
not place them so high as does the hope of the One Body.