An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 4 of 328
With the issue of the present part of An Alphabetical Analysis we
conclude the series devoted particularly to the dispensational aspect of the
While we have sought to provide the reader with as much Scriptural
material as our knowledge and our space allow, we have kept in mind the value
of the Berean spirit, and we sincerely hope that these volumes will not be
accepted and used as though the final word had been said, but rather accepted
and used as the help that one Berean searcher offers in good faith to
another.  Whether our theme be Dispensational, Doctrinal, Prophetic or
Practical, one element is fundamental and central, namely, the pre -eminence
of the Son of God, for without His office of One Mediator, Dispensational
truth has no meaning, Doctrine no foundation, Prophecy no hope, and Practice
no purpose, but if `Christ is all and in all', then, these adjuncts to the
study and to the appreciation of grace and glory can be blessed, and this is
the ardent desire of all who have made this series possible.
Many of our readers will be glad to see the article `What happened
then?' from the pen of `The Babbler', a slight memorial to the memory of our
colleague, the late A.J. Harrop, who granted permission for its inclusion
before he fell asleep on August 13th 1959.