| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 186 of 222 INDEX | |
`Till we all come in the unity of the faith (namely that unity which is
comprehended by the "one faith" of the unity of the Spirit), and of the
knowledge (better "acknowledgment" epignosis) of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure of the stature (or "full age" helikia,
John 9:21; Heb. 11:11) of the fulness of the Christ' (Eph. 4:13).
Just as the fulness of Ephesians 1:23 flows from the exaltation of
Christ `far above all', so does it here (Eph. 4:10 -13). What was the goal
of the ministry of Ephesians 4 is the goal of prayer in Ephesians 3, just as
in Colossians Paul's `teaching' and Epaphras' `praying' had the presenting
and the standing `perfect' of every man.
The purpose of the original creation of heaven and earth, the
subsequent `fillings' of the creation of the six days, the planting of
Paradise, the provision of the Ark, the promise to Abraham, and the promotion
of the Gentile upon the failure of Israel, and the perfect man of the present
dispensation -- Purpose, Planting, Provision, Promise, Promotion and
Perfection -- are all successive `fillings' foreshadowing `all the fulness of
God' that could be contained alone in the Lord Himself.
We sincerely hope that enough has
been brought to light to quicken the
interest of the earnest student, supply
him with much food for thought, theme
for ministry, and above all to lead him
to the place of praise, so fitly
expressed in the doxology of the prayer
concerning the pleroma.
`Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we
ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be
glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without
end (literally "unto all the generations of the ages of the ages")'.
(A description of the pleroma when at last it is complete) (Eph.
Such a lengthy article as this upon one subject may appear out of place
in this analysis, but it had to be considered at some length or not
considered at all. In many ways it contains in germ all that we have
endeavoured to teach these many years, and if taken together with the article
on the Seed4, will provide much to help in the due appreciation of
Dispensational Truth and the Purpose of the Ages.
Three Greek words are translated `Godhead' in the New Testament,
namely: (1) to theion that which is Divine, the thing pertaining to theos;
(2) theiotes, Divinity, the characteristic property of theos, that which is
discernible from the works of creation, thereby making idolatry `without
excuse' (Rom. 1:20); (3) theotes, Deity, the being in Whom theiotes of the
highest order resides (Col. 2:9).
The above is partly quoted from Dr. Bullinger's Lexicon, and it agrees
with the definitions given by Trench, Cremer, Lightfoot and most
Some who believe the doctrine of the Deity of Christ, naturally turn to
Colossians 2:9 as to a proof text, but this may not be the right attitude of
heart and mind when dealing with the Sacred Scriptures. We do no honour to
the Lord, if we misuse a portion of Scripture, even to `prove' or to enforce