| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 152 of 222 INDEX | |
8:7,14). There are a number of interesting parallel features between Adam
and Noah which establish that the relationship is intentional.
For example, both Adam and Noah are commanded to replenish the earth,
both have three sons, one of whom becomes involved in a curse and is either
`of that wicked one' or the father of Canaan, who in his turn is seen to be
of the evil seed. These parallels are so close that most commentators have
accepted without question that Peter, in 2 Peter 3, refers to Genesis 1:1 and
2, whereas a careful study of his epistles will show that he had, primarily,
the days of Noah before his mind. This testimony is important, and the
examination of it will necessitate a fairly intensive study, but the subject
matter is of the deepest solemnity and fully justifies all the time and space
which we can devote to its elucidation.
Just as the Primal Creation is balanced across the gap of the ages, by
the new heavens and new earth, and just as Paradise lost is balanced by
Paradise restored, so the structure persists and another pair of
corresponding members appears.
The days of Noah.
The irruption of the sons
of God
The nations just
(Gen. 6).
before the call of
Preservation in the
Noah uncontaminated
(Gen. 6:9).
Punishment by
flood (Gen. 7,8).
in prison
(1 Pet.
3:19 -22; Jude 6).
As it was in the
Antichrist, and the Son of Perdition
days of Noah.
(2 Thess. 2).
The nations just
b Preservation, the Lamb's book of life.
before Israel are
Uncontaminated (Rev. 21).
saved and blessed.
c Punishment by fire
d Spirits liberated for a season
Let us now attend to the teaching of Scripture with regard to this
great epoch.
A very superficial reading of Scripture will convince the student that
there are revealed three great creative movements -- one past, one present
and one future.
`In the beginning' (Gen.
Primal Creation.
`In six days' (Gen. 1:3 to 2:3).
Present Creation.
`In the day of God' (2 Pet. 3:12,13).
New Heavens
and Earth.
The Primal Creation of Genesis 1:1 is separated by the chaos of Genesis
1:2 from the Present Creation -- while the Present Creation is again
separated from the New Heavens and Earth by the dissolution of 2 Peter 3:10,
and the following diagram visualizes this great purpose of the ages.