An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 134 of 222
`When He will return from the wedding;
That when He cometh and knocketh' (Luke 12:36).
Rotherham has the somewhat strange rendering: `He may break up out of
the marriage feast'.  This is exactly the same idiomatic use of the word that
is with us today, as every schoolboy knows when he `breaks up' for the
`I am "in a fix" by reason of the two, namely:
Having a strong desire to the return (dissolution), and to be
with Christ, for it were very far better, but
The abiding in the flesh is more needful for you, and having this
confidence, I perceive that I shall abide and continue beside you all
for your progress and joy of faith' (Phil. 1:23 -25).
Among the essential features which are of dispensational importance in
this epistle, are `the Prize of the High Calling' and `the out -
resurrection', these are given a careful examination in articles bearing
these titles.  The article Perfection or Perdition (p. 179) also has a great
bearing on the theme of Philippians.  The parallel between Philippians and
Hebrews, exhibited at the close of the article entitled Hebrews2 should also
be consulted.
When we read of Christ as an `Example' we can be sure that salvation is
not in view, but either service or manner of life.  Here in Philippians,
example is connected with prize.
Patterns in Philippians (1:27 to 4:2).
1:27 to 2:4.
Stand fast; same love; same soul.
The mind
2:6 -11.
Sevenfold humiliation and consequent
exaltation of Christ given as an example.
2:12 -30.
Philippians `Wherefore ... work out'.
Paul `If I be offered ... I rejoice'.
Timothy  `He did not seek his own'.
Epaphroditus `Nigh unto death in
3:1 -14.
Sevenfold loss and gain of Paul.  Suffering in
view of the Prize.  Paul bids us note his walk
as an example.
3:21. The body of His glory
Stand fast; same mind.
The `mind' of Christ, exhibited pre -eminently in His wonderful kenosis
(`He emptied Himself'), and partially seen in the lives of Timothy,