An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 121 of 222
Testament.  Where we read `people' in Genesis 17:16 it should be translated
`peoples', balancing `nations', and with one or two notable exceptions the
rule holds good that `people' in the singular refers to Israel, and `peoples'
in the plural to the Gentile nations.  The blessing given to Jacob speaks of
a multitude of people (Gen. 28:3,4), and this promise is recalled when he
blessed Joseph's sons (Gen. 48:3,4).  In verse 4 we should note that the word
is plural, `peoples'.  In Genesis 49:10 the obedience (not `gathering', see
same word in Proverbs 30:17) of the peoples, refers to `the obedience of all
nations', a `secret' hushed until the time for its revelation in the days of
Paul (Rom. 16:25 -27).
Israel do not exist as a `people' in the book of Genesis, but with the
book of Exodus their history as a `people' begins (Exod. 3:7 -10).  Over and
over again the words, `My people', are sounded in the ears of Pharaoh.
Israel were `taken to Himself' said God `for a people', taken by redemption
(Exod. 6:7).  In Exodus 19:3 -7 `peoples' once more refer to the Gentiles.
Israel are the `people' of Exodus 33:3,5,13,16.  Balaam speaks of this
separated people (Num. 23:9), a people who were to dwell `alone'.  Yet though
separated from all other peoples, they had and will have an influence even on
the lands that the other nations should inherit (Deut. 32:8).  In this book
of Deuteronomy, the peculiar blessedness of this people is stressed (Deut.
4:20; 9:29; 32:9).  To them had been given the law (Deut. 4:8), they were
called `holy' and `peculiar' (Deut. 7:6; 14:2,21).  They were chosen by
sovereign love (Deut. 7:7,8).  `Who is like unto thee,' asked Moses, `O
people saved by the Lord' (Deut. 33:28,29)? What is true in the law, is true
also in the Prophets (2 Sam. 7:23,24;
Isa. 1:3; 40:1; 42:6; 43:21; Dan. 9:4 -21; 12:1 and Hos. 2:21 -23).  Turning
to the New Testament we find that the distinctive character still persists.
Laos occurs 143 times, and in nine of these occurrences the word is plural.
Let us notice these first.  Luke 2:31; Acts 4:25,27; Romans 15:11; Revelation
7:9 -17; 10:11; 11:9; 17:15 and 21:3.  Acts 4:27 presents a difficulty for
here the plural refers to Israel.  The reason for this departure from the
rule is seen when we realize that Israel had sided with Herod, Pontius Pilate
and the Gentiles.  For the rest, every reference to laos in the New Testament
is a reference to Israel with the following exceptions (Acts 15:14,15).  On
the assumption that the epistle to Titus was written after Acts 28 when
Israel had become lo -ammi, `not My people' the Church is called for the
first time a `people' (Tit. 2:14).  The earnest student should not rest
satisfied with this survey, but should patiently read every reference to
`people' in its context.  If this be done, the conviction will grow that the
title `people' in the singular from Genesis 12 and the call of Abraham to
Acts 28 upon the rejection temporarily of the Jew, refers to Israel to whom
this title strictly applies.  This study is not only important for its own
sake, but also because it stresses the need for consistency in our use of
Scriptural terms.
As the epistle to the Hebrews urges its readers to `go on to
perfection', and warns them of the dread alternative of `drawing back to
perdition', so we discover both `perfection' and the same Greek word that is
translated `perdition' form the alternatives in the third chapter of the
epistle to the Philippians.
The words `perfect', `perfection' and `finisher' that occur in Hebrews
are the translations of teleios, teleioo, teleiosis and teleiotes, all