An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 100 of 222
`How often', says Cicero, `has this exclamation Civis Romanus sum ("I
am a Roman citizen") brought aid and safety even among Barbarians in the
remotest parts of the earth' (Cic.  Verr. v. 57).  The reader will remember
how scared the Philippians were when they discovered that Paul and Silas were
Roman citizens (Acts 16:37 -39).  They had probably heard of the punishment
in a.d. 44 of the inhabitants of Rhodes, whom Claudius had deprived of their
freedom for putting a Roman citizen to death.
The trial of the apostle before Nero demands some space here, and the
following notes may be of help.  The Roman courts required the personal
presence of the prosecutor.  The crown was not the prosecutor, as in English
law.  We learn from Josephus that at about this same time two embassies set
out from Jerusalem for Rome, one, to impeach Felix for his conduct while
Governor (we remember how, upon his recall, he sought to placate the Jews by
leaving Paul bound, Acts 24:27), the other, to intercede with Nero on the
subject of Agrippa's palace, which overlooked the Temple.  As the High Priest
himself was included in this latter embassy, he may also have been entrusted
with the prosecution of Paul.
`The law's delays' are no modern evil.  Josephus tells us of three Jews
who had languished in prison for three years without a hearing, and who were
finally released upon his appeal to Poppaea.  It was Nero's custom to
consider separately each charge against a prisoner (Suet, Nero, 15), and in
the case of Paul we have seen that there were three counts against him.  A
further source of delay was that proceedings would be adjourned from time to
time to suit the Emperor's convenience.  Eusebius, in his Ecclesiastical
History is the only authority that we have for the opinion that Paul was
tried on the occasion of this first imprisonment, for the Acts does not
record the trial.  Eusebius says:
`After defending himself successfully, it is currently reported that
the apostle again went forth to preach the gospel, and afterwards came
to Rome a second time'.
The apostle's statement in Philippians 1:12 -14,25 and 2:23,24 suggests
that a trial is nearing its end, and that the result is a foregone certainty.
Tiberius and Claudius followed the ancient custom of hearing causes in the
Forum, but Nero sat for this purpose in his palace.  Standing before the
tribunal, the apostle's bonds would become manifest in the whole Praetorium
(Phil. 1:13).  The preliminaries of the trial had already taken place under
Felix and Festus, the prisoner being therefore already in a state of
accusation.  The termination of the proceedings was announced by a crier
proclaiming `dixerunt' (they have spoken).  The jury then voted by depositing
in an urn, wax tablets bearing the letter A for absolvo, C, condemno or N.L.,
non liquet (a new trial).
At his second arrest Paul did not receive the humane treatment that
characterized the first.  He now suffered as an `evil doer'.  His place of
detention is no longer the house of a friend or his own hired house, but a
dungeon, so damp and cold that he asks Timothy to bring with him, when he
comes, his cloak that had been left behind at Troas.
The trial fell into two parts, for he speaks of his `first defence' (2
Tim. 4:16).  Evidently he had been remanded; the presiding judge having
pronounced the word amplius, an adjournment had taken place, and the apostle
seized the opportunity to write his last letter to his beloved son Timothy.