| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 70 of 222 INDEX | |
therefore, we might pause and say, when the Word became flesh and dwelt among
us, He manifested the invisible God and revealed the Father. In Him the
mystery of God and of godliness find their exegesis.
1 Timothy
1:1,2. Salutation.
1:3 -20.
Hetero didaskaleo, `Teach no other doctrine' (1:3).
The dispensation of God (1:4).
Endless genealogies (1:4).
Committed to trust (1:11).
Aionion life (1:16).
The King, incorruptible, invisible (1:17).
This charge (1:18).
Shipwreck (1:19).
2:1 -7.
I exhort (2:1).
The salvation of all men (2:4).
Paul's ministry (2:7).
2:8 to 3:15. These things I write (3:14).
Men. Women. Adam. Eve (2:8 to 3:13).
I hope to come shortly (3:14).
The mystery of godliness.
4:1 -8.
The Apostasy. Doctrines of demons.
4:9 -12.
Command and teach (4:11).
The Saviour of all men (4:10).
Timothy s example (4:12).
4:13 to 6:2. These things teach and exhort (6:2).
Men. Women. Elders. Widows (5:1 -
Till I come (4:13).
6:3 -20.
Hetero didaskaleo, `Teach otherwise' (6:3).
The good deposit (6:20).
Profane and vain babblings (6:20).
Committed to trust (6:20).
Aionion life (6:12).
King, immortal, unseen (6:15,16).
I give thee charge (6:13).
Drowning (6:9).
6:21. Salutation.
1 Timothy 3:16
We now pass from the testimony of the structure to
the text itself. Chapter 3 is largely devoted to the qualifications of
bishops and deacons, and the apostle states that he has so written that
Timothy may know how to behave himself in the house of God, which is the
church of the living God. A question now arises from the last clause of
verse 15. Is the church `the pillar and ground of the truth'? If we use the
word `church' in its most spiritual meaning, we shall find no basis in
Scripture for such an important doctrine. The case before us, however, is
most certainly not `the Church' but `a church', a church wherein there are
bishops and deacons; in other words, a local assembly, and surely it is
beyond all argument that the truth does not rest upon any such church as its
pillar and ground. The reader will observe that in the structure, 3:15 is