An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 277 of 277
because it will be dispensational.  'To serve as a son' (Phil. 2:22),
approaches as near to the ideal as any text of Scripture can supply.
We have considered some of the experimental and practical teaching of
Scripture under the headings Way, Walk, Witness, Worship and Warfare.  We are
conscious of much that has been omitted, but if we doubled the size of this
volume and dealt with Wandering, Worrying, Wishful thinking, Waywardness and
Wilfulness, or if we recommenced and started alphabetically and dealt with
Assurance, Boldness, Conviction, Doubt, Faith, Godliness and so right on to
Zeal, we should still have left much ground unexplored.  The very idea of an
exhaustive study of any aspect of truth may contain an element of
boastfulness and self -confidence that ill -becomes the best of us.  We
rather feel that at times it would be wisest to stop, acknowledge our
limitations and exclaim with the apostle,
'O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how
unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!' (Rom.
We therefore bring this Part to a close with the prayer that those
whose eyes have been enlightened to see the high and holy calling of God in
Christ Jesus relating to the Church which is His Body may ever combine
doctrine with practice, remembering the higher and deeper the revelation the
greater the responsibility to the Lord Who has so graciously redeemed us.
May we all daily seek to:
'Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things' (Titus 2:10),
and so bring glory to His Name.